The Newest Memory

40 6 1

September 15th 2150

Behind the only fast food restaurant in the desert area was a young African American boy who looked to be about a year older than Amara. His short black hair touching his ears. His emerald green eyes were staring at the two fallen heroes. 

He examined both of them, tightening his camouflage jacket because of the way they looked but, he didn't have any time to just look at them. He quickly check Amara's pulse, noting that she was still alive. 

He then went to Rock but noticed that something was different about him. 

"What the? Why does he not have a pulse?" He felt Rock's body and it felt like a humans. 

"Is this a robot? Feels a little bit different than the other robots we have found." The unnamed boy was thinking about it for a minute. He noticed that he wasn't against Amara, who was clearly a human. He wasn't bothering any humans. In facts, he was sitting with the girl in the restaurant. 

"I'm going to have to tell me father about this. This is interesting." He grabbed his phone, presumably calling his father. Checking Amara's pulse again. Still there. It took a few minutes for his father to answer. 

"Hello, son. Why are you calling?" 

"Hello, father. I found a human who is slowly dying and a robot. Can you call the hospital wing? They both need to get treatment right away." 

"Where are you? I'll get you a ride. We should dissect the robot." The boy told him his location real quickly before responding to his other retort. 

"But, this robot is different. I witnessed a fight they were damaged from and he was fighting the robot. Not the human." 

"We need to question them both after they get treatment. If they are alive still." The boy sighed, knowing his father was irritated. 

"Good bye father." The boy hanged up and saw the car that was going to pick him up. He sighed then picked up Amara and Rock one at a time. 

"This is going to be an interesting day." The boy told himself before getting into the car. 


It was a laboratory that he woke up in for the first time. Not knowing anything at all. He looked at a piece of paper, got off of the table, then read it. 

"You are a servant to me. You will meet me later but make yourself at home." 

He put the note down then walked out of the room. He saw heads on the wall. Wanting to beg that they were fake. Looking at them closer, they were fake. But saw that they were goals. 

"Our goal is to kill at least five million in a year?" The robot boy read to himself. He saw a girl robot about his height with a green flowing dress coming over to him. 

"Yeah. If we get to that goal, then we can be able to get upgrades for every robot here. My name is Flora. I am an elemental type with three sisters. Are you the new recruit?" 

"Yeah I am." 

"Perfect. You will do great." She seemed nice. She spoke again. 

"We will start our first attack tomorrow. I am going to kill a lot of people!" Why would she want to desperately to kill people? Why kill innocent people? That was going through the boy's mind. 

"Is that okay to do? Kill the humans?" 

"Don't be such a wuss okay? We need to kill them. It doesn't matter. We have to kill them understand?!" She walked away in anger. 

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