The Poisonous Robot

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Amara woke up to the sunrise. Realizing that she was in the forest, she quickly sat up startled. She sighed, realizing that she was in a safe area. She walked towards the pond in the middle of the forest, then washed her face with the cold water, waking herself up. 

She knew that she had no coffee to wake herself up with for a while. So, that was the best thing for now. She almost regretted leaving the house just to do something stupid. Why was this worth? Would her parents want her doing this? 

"What is wrong with me? Why am I doubting that this wasn't a good idea? This is an amazing idea!" Amara thought harshly. She walked back to the tree, then changed from her dirty and blood filled clothes. 

Amara was wearing just a long t-shirt and basketball shorts, knowing that it was about 70 degrees outside. She quickly walked back to see her robot friend struggling in his sleep. Why would this happen? Amara decided to manually turn him on out of sleep mode, wanting answers immediately. 

"Hey Rock, can you wake up for me please?" Amara soothed as she saw her friend's eyes opening slowly. She sighed, wondering if he was having a bad dream.

"Are you okay?" Amara asked the poor robot. "And by the way good morning." Rock nodded and chuckled a little. 

"Good that you're okay. Now, are you ready to go?" 

"You should eat breakfast first," Rock reminded her as he opened up the bag to the lunch box. 

"We need to save food, though," Amara told him. 

"Eat," Rock demanded, handing her a sandwich and an energy drink. Amara rolled her eyes then ate quickly. 

"Eat slower. We have all day Amara." Rock looked at her. Rock reminded Amara of her mother when she didn't eat a lot when she was 12. Amara ate slower upon Rock's request but was stull annoyed that he was demanding her stuff. 

"Now can we go?" Amara begged her friend. He nodded then started to walk around the pond. Amara followed close behind. Rock looked at his reflection one more time and smiled before walking towards the tall trees. 

Amara handed Rock the compass as they entered the tall trees, wanting to get to the police station as soon as possible. 

"We need to go North," Amara stated as they walked. 

"Then we need to go left," Rock replied looking at the compass. Amara nodded then had Rock lead the way. The journey wasn't at all exciting. They were silently walking, looking around for the police station. 

"How many miles do we have left to go?" Amara asked out loud to herself. 

"15.5 miles left to go," Rock stated inhumanly. 

"How did you know that?" Amara asked in curiosity. 

"Because I plotted the course in my memory system," Rock replied happily. Amara looked pissed. 

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU TOLD ME THIS BEFORE?!" Amara shouted but covered her mouth as soon as she said that. 

"I forgot but shut up! You could've attracted unwanted attention," Rock scolded. Amara rolled her eyes. 

"Next time, tell me these things and also, we won't. The forest is basically empty. We won't attract unwanted attention. But, Amara was dead wrong. A girl robot was behind them, sneaking behind them.

"I found them, Master. The betrayer and a human that will be killed." 

"Remember your mission. You need to find a large quantity, a robot would never betray me. You're just hallucinating. Now, go do your mission!" The robot sighed. 

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