A New Ally?

49 10 1

September 10th, 2150

Pushing the button behind the robots head, Amara quickly grabbed her sword, aiming it at the robot's throat. She didn't see the robot's eyes lighting up. Instead, getting ready to fight it just in case. Looking up at it, she finally saw the robot moving his head and staring at his arm. 

Amara was slowly backing away, not wanting to get hurt again. Especially having to forcefully put on gauze. She was keeping her eyes locked on the robot. The robot was slowly sitting up, looking around the lab. 

"W-where?" The robot asked for the first time since being "killed." Amara was super nervous but, saw the robot's face as he looked around. He was scared. Amara was even more nervous but built up the courage to start getting some answers. Putting down her sword before the robot notices, Amara slowly approached the robot then spoke quietly.

"Hello." The robot shrieked not noticed Amara before and aimed his gun around. Amara got startled but, remained calm. 

"Hello," Amara repeated, looking at the robot. Seeing that she wasn't a threat, the robot stared at her. Cautiously the robot waved. 

"Can you talk?" Amara asked, knowing that the robot did talk. The robot nodded but, was scared to even peep out a word. Amara noticed this. 

"Hey. It is alright. I won't hurt you I promise. Well unless you try to kill me then you WILL get hurt ok?" Amara smiled sincerely as she said this. The robot took it as a threat/ sincere phrase but, nodded at the girl. 

"I am..." The robot started. Amara was starting to get excited. The robot was going to start sharing information. 

"I am #XX120." The robot replied. Amara was stunned at the name of the robot. Looking at the robot, Amara was thinking of a new name. Looking at the robot for a minute, Amara came up with a name. 

"I don't like that name. A better name would be Rock." Amara suggested happily, looking at the robot with a happy face. 

"Why Rock?" The robot asked, looking at Amara with a confused expression. Anyone would be confused honestly. Amara looked at the robot with a glared. Not wanting to explain herself. 

"It is a synonym for strength bud." 

"Now you're calling me bud?" He was teasing her! 

"You're a son of a..." Amara started, but Rock interrupted her laughing his ass off. 

"Oh, you laugh your little ass off while I go prepare dinner for myself." Amara retorted as she started walking up the stairs, leaving Rock to his thoughts. 

"Where am I? What is up with her? Why does she have an attitude?" The boy looked at his hand that turned into his weapon. Then a different weapon that resembled a shotgun. 

"Wow." Rock thought out loud in amazement, looking at the silver weapon. Looking at it for a few more minutes, Rock heard a girl's voice upstairs. 

"Hey, Rock. How about getting out of that dusty basement. You were there for a while." Hearing Amara's nicer tone, Rock slowly got off of the solid bed and started walking up the stairs, hanging onto the rail as he walked. 

When he got up the stairs, he saw Amara with a salad, a small bowl of soup, and a glass of green tea. Seeing Amara in a calm state, Rock sat down on the floor. Amara questioned this action but, didn't question it. 

Rock was a boy with habits. One habit was sitting away from his Master. In this case Amara. He knew the torture that he had to go through and it was painful to him. It was painful to see his brothers and sister get manipulated by his master. 

Amara was finishing her soup when she noticed that the robot was in deep thought. She realized that she didn't ask any questions worrying for her own safety. Looking at Rock, she took her dishes to the sink. Then sat down next to Rock on the floor, wanting answers. 

"Hey," Amara started in a firm voice but, stopped as the robot scooted away from her. 

"Hey," Amara said a little less firm so he wasn't scared. Why would he be scared of her when he was rabid just hours ago? 

"I want answers please." Amara saw Rock looking at her. Listening to her. Amara smiled, making progress. 

"Do you remember what happened? Why did you kill at least 30 people at my school?" Amara asked with a little bit of strain in her voice. 

"I don't remember that happening. My memory is fuzzy." Rock replied honestly, leaving Amara confused. Why was his memory fuzzy. 

"Why is it fuzzy?" Amara asked. Rock thought about it for a few minutes before answering. 

"I think it is probably they didn't want me to remember what they did to me." Amara nodded in understanding. Knowing that coming up with a retort will not help the situation. She wanted the robot to trust her. So she can trust him too. 

"Can you tell me what you remember?" 



"Abuse. They abused me into their ways. They say we can't feel pain but they make us feel pain. So they can teach us not to get killed." 

Amara had to ponder this. So it wasn't just her that was in pain. Even though it wasn't a lot of information, it really sent her off the edge. 

"WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY DO THAT?!" Amara shouted, leaving Rock in fear. Looking at him, Amara immediately apologized to him. Putting a hand on his shoulder. Her short black hair touching his shoulder. the brunette was happy that he had one nice person in his life. 

"I saw you had a cannon. So are you a neutral type. Is there elemental types of robots?" Amara asked curiously.

"A few,"  Rock answered, looking at the TV. It was showing a girl with short black hair and blue eyes. 

"Is that you?" Rock asked curiously, looking at the TV then at Amara. Amara put a hand over his mouth then turned the volume up. 

"In the top news. A normal day at a local high school turned deadly. Another robot attacked the school. Killing 30 people. Mainly children. A lot of others are missing. Including local Amara Wesly..." Amara turned off the TV when they said her name. She knew they were worried, but it didn't matter now. What mattered was coming up with a plan to kill this "Master." 

"They think you're missing? Did I do that?" Amara wondered why he didn't remember. Was it the control program that she found? Looking at the robot, she solemnly nodded her head. Seeing that the robot looked like he was sad, Amara put a hand on his shoulder again. The sweet compassion Amara was giving was abnormal for her. She never did it to anyone that didn't deserve and he didn't deserve it. Right?  

"I do have a confession to make Rock." Amara started, not wanting to bring back memories for him. But it had to be done. To bring the pressure off of him. 

"I'll be right back." Amara got up to get the chip that was in Rock's system. Coming up a few minutes later, Amara slowly sat down next to Rock again. 

"I found this. In your system. On your emotion program." Amara stated, showing him the chip. Rock picked it up and started to look at it. 

"Defiant Robots Deserve This." Rock quoted with sadness in his eyes. If he were human, tears would fall out of his eyes. 

"I am sorry if I harmed anyone you knew." Amara was happy that he apologized, but it wasn't his fault. being tortured and abused into murdering innocent people. 

"Don't worry. It is ok. Um, I am going to bed early. Ok? Do you need to manually put into sleep mode or something?" 

"Don't worry about that. I can do it myself." Rock replied as he touched a white emblem on his chest, pulling up a screen. Showing options on his system. 

"Ok. Goodnight then Rock." Amara said as she started to walk up the stairs. Realizing she never introduced herself, she came back downstairs to see Rock about to put himself into sleep mode. Grabbing his wrist, Amara stopped him.

"Wait. I have to tell you something." Amara started. "My name is Amara." She said as she walked up the stairs, leaving Rock confused... 

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