The Newest Plan

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October 5th, 2150

Days after the hacking incident, security has risen dramatically. The women were treated for serious injuries but thankfully survived. It was honestly surprising that they did. It was the evening as the investigators were working into the night. Everyone was tired, trying to locate the facility. 

Some of them passed out from exhaustion. But some were sloppily working. They were filled with determination, looking for it with the newest information that they have. 

While in the other room, the coders were figuring out the A K code. Trying to locate it to make a work but to no avail. Charles was monitoring them, thinking hard on this situation himself. A K... What does that mean? 

"It can't be this hard. We've tried every type of code," Charles thought to himself. "Maybe it isn't as it seems. A K." 

Walking into the other room, he saw that some of the investigators were unconscious. Charles felt guilty. Having some of these people working through the night for weeks on end. They finally had it. Charles knew that he needed to pay them a LOT of money. 

On the screen on the wall, he noticed that there was a map of the world. Zooming in on the United States with his finger, Charles noticed a familiar set of letters on there. 

"Holy shit. Well, can't wait to tell coders this tomorrow." 


October 6th, 2150 

"A nice beautiful day. Hope it lasts..." Amara told herself. It was starting to get cloudy out affecting Amara. She didn't feel right. She was starting to lose hope fast. It felt pathetic but it was just her mood. 

She was fighting robots all morning. She was never moved but that made it easy. Rock was farther away, fighting others. Feeling her wrist watch ring, she knew that her job was over. It was only part time for now until she can get more energy. 

"I feel like these efforts are in vain," Amara thought out loud, walking towards the base. She fought dozens of robots. They were pretty easy because of her training and fighting that level 9 robot a few days ago. 

Entering the building through the back door, she went into the Cafeteria to get some food for her starving body. Her legs were shaking as she was grabbing the usual meal. 

"Hello, Amara!" 

"Ella?" Recognizing that voice, she quickly spots the nurse. Walking slowly towards the young women, Amara slowly sat down in the seat across from her. Ella looked like she really wanted to just talk forever. And she could probably do that. 

"Hey, Amara. I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Stuffing a piece of her sandwich in her mouth, Amara swallowed it whole to reply to the girl. 

"I am doing well Ella," Amara replied as she choked. Oblivious, Ella started talking again. 

"What have you been doing lately? I see that you look pretty beaten. Are you okay?" Amara stopped choking after a few minutes. 

"I am a soldier on the line. I fight robots now." 

"Congratulations Amara. How is Rock?" 

"He is fine. We, unfortunately, are in different locations but he has to come back to the base later." 

"Of course. Of course. Have you heard that there will be a meeting soon?" Amara gave her a questioning stare. 

"It is in a few hours so you have time to change. They have a discovery that has been made by the investigators last night." Amara grinned starting to have hope again. Then went back to eating her sandwich. Ella finished her lunch in silence, knowing Amara would like that. 

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