A New Problem

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September 11th, 2150

The morning sun was shining right into the eyes of the teens as they were walking in silence. Amara was focused, not wanting to get lost. Rock was lost in his thoughts. They haven't spoken since the journey started. Amara notified the police that they had information and were currently going there. So that they can look for the killer.

It was pretty warm for September. The leaves were changing color fast. Amara admired her favorite season. The sad part was that most of the red was on the streets with dead bodies and blood. Amara grabbed her sword, knowing that a robot was nearby. Looking at Rock, she noticed that he was deep in thought.

She wondered why he was in deep thought when he was a robot. He doesn't have a thought program. He just had a bunch of guns in his arms.

"It is weird that people were dumb enough to create this living Hell that the world is in."

"I agree." Amara looked at Rock. She started to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I just..."

"Don't be sorry. I know that your parents got killed."

"How did you know about that? I never told you that."

"Y-you always murmured about it. QUICK RUN!" Rock grabbed Amara's hand and took her to an alleyway.

"What the Hell was that for?!" Amara shrieked, startled at his tight grip.

"Did you want to get killed?! You should be thanking me." Rock said frustrated, looking at the attacker. Amara started to get angry.

"You suck," Amara said with a grin on her face. Rock noticed the tone but, didn't reply. Seeing the attacker.

"Wait here for a minute," Rock told her firmly, taking his gun, he shot the attacker. Then ran out of the alleyway. Amara looked and saw a pretty petite robot. Seeing it, Amara was thinking of a plan.

Amara followed Rock silently, waiting to put her plan into action. Rock started silently shooting at the petite robot, which dodged easily. The robot colored like the sun started to blind Rock, bot noticing Amara. Rock smirked then started shooting accurately.

Dodging, the silent robot smirked as he shot Rock in the back. Not grimaced but, didn't scream. Knowing the familiar feeling.

"Damn it," Amara said hiding. She couldn't hide much longer. She needed to distract it.

"HEY MIDGET! I AM RIGHT HERE! A HUMAN!" Rock heard the scream, not wanting Amara to get involved. Knowing that humans don't have any defense.

"What is wrong with her? She can't be that stupid." Rock muttered, his vision getting clearer.

Meanwhile, Amara was blocking shots with her sword, trying to find an opening to kill the robot. She was starting to get desperate. This robot can blind and shoot pretty fast. If this robot was super strong, then she had to step up her game. She saw Rock aiming his gun. Amara winked as she heard the bang of his gun, killing the robot.

"Hell yeah!" Amara shouted happily. Stabbing the robot repeatedly. Rock saw her then stopped her.

"I think that is enough." Rock said nervously, looking at Amara with a nervous smile.

"Are you okay?" Amara asked Rock. Smiling, Rock nodded, not wanting Amara to be curious.

"Well let's keep going. We are making progress." Amara said happily, starting to walk. Rock shook his head then followed.


After a few hours of walking, Amara and Rock were out of Amara's hometown. They saw a beautiful forest with a lot of tall trees. They were both staring at it, eyes full of wonder.

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