Celebrations and Sadness

16 3 0

October 31st, 2150

Days after the finalization, Amara was finally adopted. Although she didn't adopt Cameron's last name, she was still happy that she gets to have a family that will take care of her for the next 4-6 years. She was currently in her brand new room, thinking about the whole thing. 

Rock was not going to enroll in school, but instead was going to be a part-time commander while they were at school, training soldiers to go overseas. And after school, he was going to be the babysitter until the General comes home. 

But, Rock had always asked for clarification on the first incident. Sure she was sad but ended up having to deal with it. Life isn't some hallucinogenic fantasy where you could just magically fix things that happened. No, this was reality.

She then heard a knock on her door. 

"Come in."

She realized it was Rock. Probably asking for clarification again, still not over that incident. 

"Hey Rock. What do you need?" Amara asked nicely, already knowing what Rock wanted. 

"Are you sure you are over the death of your parents? Surely, you would be mad at me at least a little bit!" Rock demanded to wave his hands in the air. Why would he ask her to be mad at him? Amara was surely confused at that thought. 

"Rock, I have told you this dozens of times. I can't change things and I accept that they are in heaven right now. They wouldn't want you or me to grieve, okay? Especially our dad, you could technically call him your dad. He did create you." 

"But that would mean I have to call the Master dad right?" 

"No, just because he took you in, doesn't mean you don't have to call him dad. Trust me, if that guy got executed, I wouldn't give a shit." 

Rock chuckled a little but saw Amara needed to say something else. He knew that she knew that she was allowed to speak.

"Rock, I know that you know that I had something to say that was on my mind. Before I met you, my goal was to kill the Master and be a hero in everyone's eyes. That goal was never reached. He is still alive but in jail. I could've killed him and I would've been a little bit happier than I am," Amara grieved. Rock knew this feeling, not meeting your expectations was a terrible and stressful feeling, especially for a teenager like her. 

"Hey, I honestly thought you were a hot head and weak person when I first met you. Usually, fighting was for robots only because there was no consequence. We had no family that emotionally loved us and it was less expensive. But after meeting you, I was surprised. For a human, you had strength. But after training, you had, even more, strength. You were able to fend off the Master by yourself. I was very impressed." 

Amara started to blush. That was very nice of Rock to say. But since she was silent, Rock continued.

"Even when you didn't meet your goal, you should be proud of yourself. You helped save billions of lives. And you made a big effort, probably the greatest effort out of everyone who infiltrated the base. And, we get a big party tonight for the celebration since everyone is out of the hospital." 

"Yeah," Amara stated softly. "Thanks, Rock. I need that." 

Rock nodded at the girl. But suddenly, he felt a weird and new emotion in his stomach. Amara noticed his weird expression that was plastered on his face. 

"Are you okay Rock?" 

"Yeah, I am okay but there is this weird feeling in my stomach. It feels like something is stuck in there or something." 

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