The Simulation

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"You didn't pass the test," There was a light that was blinding Rock's vision.

"You didn't pass the test," The voice repeated as he heard footsteps. When the light started to leave his vision, he saw the Master there. Rock started to get nervous. Then he saw a robot. He had a cloak on. His green eyes were shining.

"Hello, there robot. Why didn't you pass the test?" Rock glared at him.

"I wasn't informed on my weapons. That is why I didn't." Rock informed, trying not to be afraid.

"Since you didn't pass the test, I want you to meet my assistant. Now, you know what to do." The Master left the room, leaving the two robots alone. The robot took off it's cloak to reveal itself.

"You didn't pass the test. Now, it is the time for the punishment."

The robot started to move towards Rock, putting duck tape over his mouth. Then started to beat the poor robot. Rock didn't understand what he did to deserve this, but he knew it really hurt.

The assistant robot was enjoying this so much. He left the robot in shambles. He looked to see the robot unconscious in a bloody pulp. Or at least, robot blood. The assistant looked at his Master, who was watching through the window.

"You did well assistant. We will wait for the robot to wake up so we can properly teach him how to kill."

"Yes, Master. We will train every robot to start the massacre."

"Yes, we will. What is our mission?"

"To kill every human in the world."

"With the exception of?"

"You Master," The assistant replied.

"You have a better home here than your old home. So be respectful towards me," He nodded then left the lab to assist the Master with other robots. 


September 26th, 2150

Rock woke up with a gasp, looking around in desperation. Seeing that he was in the soft bed, he sighed in relief. He looked at the old looking clock, 6:30. Rock decided to walk out onto the deck that was attached to their room. 

He saw the sun rising over the base. The pinks and reds of the sky were beautiful. He then was thinking of the dream he just had. But it wasn't a dream at all. It was a memory. Realizing this, Rock started to realize why his memories were blocked. 

"That was like a nightmare," Rock remarked to himself as he was watching the sunrise. 

"What was a nightmare?" He heard a familiar voice asked as that person walked out onto the deck. Amara. 

"Nothing," Rock replied. Amara started to get suspicious as she sat down in the chair beside him. 

"Rock, you are always open about these things. What happened? Did another memory come up?" Amara asked in concern. Rock knew that Amara cared about him, but he wasn't ready to tell her yet. 

"Um Amara, I am not ready. It was bad," Rock said cringing at the memory. Amara knew it must've been that bad. She really wanted to know, though! Why wouldn't he tell his best friend this important information? For God's sake, she was a caring soul according to him. 

"Rock seriously, though. We need to talk about this. In order to figure out this mystery, we need vital information from a robot that was a formal minion!" Rock sighed, not wanting to do this. She was so stubborn. 

"Amara, do I have to do this?" Rock pleaded. Amara gave a disappointed sigh, knowing that Rock won't give the information anytime soon. 

"Rock you don't have to, but you need to do it soon okay?" Amara gave Rock a quick hug. 

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