Chapter 21 - Round Two

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~ Emma

Henry is gone and Mary Margaret is right - I don't know where I'm going, but I'm also right, I will track them down in hell if I have to. Thanks to Hook, who came back with the Jolly Roger and a magic bean, we've got a way to get to wherever he's taking us. On top of that, Gold is helping and hasn't tried to kill Hook yet. Belle should have cloaked Storybrooke with a spell left by Gold, so everyone should be safe. As long as we all stay on the same page, we should be able to get Henry and be home as soon as possible.

"So, are you done trying to kill me?" Gold asks Hook.

"I believe so," Hook replies.

"Excellent. Then you can live," Gold states then waves his hand, and a globe appears on the ship.

I roll my eyes, distracting them from any more conflict. "What's that?" I ask.

"It'll show where Henry went. Thank me later," he answers.

Gold pricks his finger on the needle attached to the globe, then lets a drop of blood fall onto the sphere. It spreads until a map of an island appears.

"Where is that? Where did they take Henry?" Regina asks.

I look up, and see Hook's extremely displeased face, "Neverland."

"Neverland? Isn't that where—?" I begin, but Regina looks at me and shakes her head, telling me to stop talking.

- - -

Hook steers the ship out of the dock, waiting for the right moment to fall through the portal.

"So who are we up against? Who are Greg and Tamara?" David asks.

"They're merely pawns, manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for," Gold replies.

"Let me guess..." I say.

"Peter Pan," Gold says, sighing.

Suddenly, the ship surges forward and we all stumble. We all grab onto the ropes so we don't go flying overboard and into the swirling water. It's difficult to breathe, let alone stay standing, but soon, we're launched through the other side, landing on the water with a big splash. The ship's hull sinks down a few inches, then rocks back and forth before settling.

"Is that it?" I ask, indicating to the island not far ahead. 

"Aye, Neverland," Hook confirms just as we set off at full speed.

As we begin to near the island, Hook slows down. Regina and I turn to him, but he seems oblivious to our reaction.

"Why are you slowing down? In case you didn't know, my son's life is in danger!" Regina shouts.

"Oh, I know, my hot-headed Queen. The plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river, and.. then we sail right through, take him by surprise. The irony..." Hook answers.

"What irony?" Regina asks.

"Oh, I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumplestiltskin. And here I am, sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honour. It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for," Hook explains.

I'm about to leave the conversation, but Regina says something that stops me, "Greg Mendell said something funny to me. He said I'm a villain, and that villains don't get happy endings. You believe that?"

"I hope not, or we've wasted our lives," Hook says.

I'm about to tell her about Davina, and what she said to us, but I decide not to. I leave Hook and go to stand by the rail. So many things have happened in just a few hours. Neal is...gone, probably dead, Henry was taken by two nut-jobs who think they can get rid of magic with science - even I know that's not possible - and they're working for Peter Pan, who apparently is one of the worst villains Davina has encountered and that is one of the most ironic things I've heard. Want to get rid of magic, but work for someone who is known for...embodying it? You've got to be pretty determined to ignore that fact. Either that or just simply delusional. I feel like, if Davina was here, she would tell me what to do. That's one of the things I think everyone likes about her -  she can tell anyone what to do, how to do it and why they should do it, all whilst keeping a clear head and not feeling scared when putting people in their place. That, and she knows Pan and Neverland. She would know what to do and where to go, and I trust her - more than I trust Hook. I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn to see my parents.

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