Chapter 24 - Secrets Revealed

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~ Davina

Pan's shocked face is something to frame. I wish I had my phone that's back in Storybrooke to capture it forever. He snaps out of it, and goes on to pretend like he isn't surprised by my sudden arrival at the camp.

"Davina!...How nice of you to finally join us," Pan greets.

"I thought it was about time you finally had the honour of my presence. Seeing as, well, you know, I did you a huge favour," I reply, smirking. "So, what's this new game you seem to have invented?" I ask, walking over to him.

"Target Practice. I'm sure it's right up your street, Davina," Pan says.

"I think 'right in your waters' would make more sense," I say, pulling my sword out from the tree. "Don't you?"

"Yes, I suppose it does. Well, we have something to...discuss. Boys! Get on with your duties. I have business to attend to," Pan says, quite formally as well.

He walks off down a path, and I follow. We walk for a while, before arriving in a clearing that's oddly familiar. I watch Pan, actually looking at him. His shoulders are broad and square, and his waist is slim creating a kind of v-shaped back. He has long legs, which explains why he's so much taller than me. He stops, and I have to stop instantly so I don't slam into him. Suddenly, my heart is racing and I'm nervous. Maybe waiting this long and acting so high and mighty was a bad idea. Maybe if I'd just got on with it straight away, I would have left by now. And I would have been far away from Davy Jones. Pan turns around and makes instant eye contact with me. For the first time, I notice how green his eyes are. Almost the same vibrant green as the magic of Neverland. I wonder if that's the reason for it - the magic is part of him, enhancing the colour of his eyes. Despite how devious Pan is, he has a kind face. If I could look past his actions and his mentality, I would call him Peter.

"Davina..." he begins.

"Pan," I reply, swallowing nervously.

"It's...nice to finally see you again."

I raise my eyebrows in mild surprise, "Oh really? Are you feeling okay?" I say, smirking at my playfulness.

"I'm feeling absolutely fine, Davina. How was your journey?" He answers.

"Which one?" I ask, suddenly feeling a tinge of spitefulness, replacing the nervousness. I glare at him as I wait for his response.

"Oh, that's right. You've had several journeys. Here, there, and back again. Took you a while to get back, didn't it? As you can see by the state of the island."

My anger flares up. I remember the promise I made him make before I left, "Took me a while? Of course it took me a while! I had to get to the Enchanted Forest, which, as you know, took two magic beans. Then I was taken by Regina and imprisoned for the last few days. She then cast a curse which sent everybody to a completely different land. Just before your Shadow could take me, the curse swept me up and took me to a Land Without Magic. I was there for a year finding a way to get back this Goddamned place just so you could have your bloody map! And where were you the whole time? Hm?"

"Where else would I be?" He asks, clearly oblivious to what I really mean.

"Here! Which is exactly against the promise you made me!"


"You promised me something before I went your little errand. What was it?"

"What are you talking about?"

I bring my sword up to him, wincing slightly as the hilt presses against the Black Spot. "What was it?" I repeat through gritted teeth.

He sighs, nodding as he remembers exactly what I'm talking about, and avoids my gaze, "I promised that...I would come and get you if you got stuck or trapped anywhere."

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