Epilogue - A New Adventure

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~ Davina

A slight breeze breaks the intense heat of the sun streaming through the window. My eyes flutter open, and I squint against the light. I roll over, stretch and see the empty space next to me. After I killed Davy Jones, the Kraken disappeared, the crew and their new Captain went back to normal pirating, and Hook went back to Storybrooke. When we came back to Neverland, the Lost Boys got straight to building a campfire, while Peter took me straight to the waterfall so I could drink as much water as I needed to heal my wounds. After that, I could see how much Neverland had changed from the Elixir. After the hourglass was flipped, Neverland already looked better, but it felt temporary. Now, it feels undeniably eternal. Everything seems to glow. Even the Pixies came back. I haven't tried it yet, but Peter has been taking full advantage of being able to fly. I'll try it at some point, but not yet. 

I sigh. My peace is disturbed by the uproar of the Lost Boys fighting outside under the window. Pan and I combined our rooms into one, accepting the fact that we click together, and that we're happier that way. But Peter changed with the Elixir. His dark side has almost diminished, there are still moments where I see Pan. The Shadow is powerless without Peter, and so It does everything Pan says. But Peter is more Peter now. He's happier and kinder, closer to the version everyone knows Peter Pan as in the 'real world'. I think he's embodied who he is. And I've accepted myself too.

I throw back the blankets, swing my legs out of bed and jump up, stretching again to shake off some residual tiredness. I walk over to the window and open the curtains, the warm breeze ruffling my white nightdress slightly. I see the Lost Boys fighting with sticks.

"I thought I taught you better than that!" I yell down jokily at them, smiling.

The Lost Boys look up at me and grin; Ricky turns his stick into a sword, with thanks to Neverland's stronger magic, and he pokes his best friend, Kyle, with it and they break out into a full-on sword fight. I close the curtains and change into my day clothes. I still have my old clothes, but they're so damaged and beaten-up I need to spend some time repairing them. So, instead, I have new clothes. I still have the same boots, but the rest has been revamped — a green vest, a new corset, leather trousers, a leather jacket instead of my cape and some new jewellery. It's symbolic. A new life so 'new me', I suppose. I clip on my scabbard with my sword and then slide down the staircase bannister to get to the kitchen. Peter is cooking breakfast, oblivious to my presence.

I tiptoe over to him, "Morning," I greet, kissing his cheek.

He jumps slightly, but then smiles, "Morning," he says, "sleep well?"

"Best night's sleep I've had since we came back. I didn't have any nightmares," I answer.

Ever since we came back, I've had a little bit of PTSD. Most nights I'm woken up by my memories of my time on The Flying Dutchman, but at a more twisted and amplified level. I sit up in bed, screaming and crying, and Peter has to wake me up from the nightmare and calm me down. He's been working on a potion to help calm that part of my brain, but he's had no luck so far. We'll find something soon. I almost slip into a deep daydream about that time with Davy Jones, but Peter places my plate of food in front of me, disrupting my train of thought.

"Stop thinking about it, Davina, you'll just make it worse," he says, knowing exactly what's going on in my mind.

"It's a bit hard when it's my most recent memory," I answer, a bit snappier than I intended.

"I know, but it'll all be fine soon. Trust me," Peter says mysteriously.

I dig into my huge breakfast — bacon, fried eggs, beans, toast and sausage — there's a reason for this. What's he up to? I don't know, but it's been that way ever since I came here.

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