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So this dare is from the cousin of MikiYamaNerd and they say, "I dare for Kyoko and Makoto to look at each other's browser history, and when looking through it, they can't leave the room"

-Naegi: ...
-Kirigiri: ...
-Naegi: *blushes* I-I guess we're going to have to do the dare Kirigiri-San...
-Kirigiri: Y-yeah Naegi-Kun...
-Naegi: Are you okay Kirigiri-San? Y-You sound worried...
-Kirigiri: *blushes* N-No why w-would I be worried about this dare...
-Naegi: Okay then, you can look at my browser history first if you want...
-Kirigiri: O-okay...

*Kirigiri and Naegi head to his room, and Naegi turns on his computer*

-Naegi: *blushes* Okay Kirigiri-San go ahead...
-Kirigiri: O-Okay...

*Kirigiri looks through Naegi's browser history...*

-Kirigiri: Naegi...
-Naegi: Y-yes Kirigiri-San?
-Kirigiri: Why are you searching up "Sayaka Maizono's Albums"?
-Naegi: *blushes* N-No reason...I was just interested in Maizono-San's music...
-Kirigiri: ...

*Kirigiri looks through Naegi's browser history a bit more*

-Kirigiri: *blushes* Naegi-Kun...w-why you searching up "Cute Kyoko Kirigiri pictures"
-Naegi: *blushes* I-I look like a pervert d-don't I? I-I'm sorry Kirigiri-San...
-Kirigiri: *giggles* Aw N-Naegi-Kun...it's fine I'm not mad at you...
-Naegi: *blushes* T-Thanks Kirigiri-San...S-So can w-we look at yours now?
-Kirigiri: ...
-Naegi: A-Are you okay Kirigiri-San?
-Kirigiri: *blushing* Y-yeah...
-Naegi: Okay then...lets go

*Naegi takes Kirigiri by holding her hand and go to Kirigiri's room and turn on Kirigiri's computer*

-Kirigiri: *blushing* ...
-Naegi: L-lets see here...

*Naegi looks through Kirigiri's browser history*

-Naegi: *blushes* K-Kirigiri-San?
-Kirigiri: *blushes* Y-yes Naegi...
-Naegi: *blushing* W-why are you searching up "Makoto Naegi x Kyoko Kirigiri"?
-Kirigiri: *blushing darkens* ...

*Naegi looks through Kirigiri's browser history even more*

-Naegi: *blushing* K-Kirigiri-San...w-why are you searching up "Sexy Makoto Naegi pictures"?
-Kirigiri: *blushing darkens* ...

*Naegi looks even deeper in Kirigiri's browser history*

-Naegi: *blushing darkens* U-um Kirigiri-San, w-why are y-you searching up "Naegiri Lemons"?
-Kirigiri: *blushing darkens* ...
-Naegi: *blushing* Don't worry Kirigiri-San, I'm not mad either...I think it's kinda cute...
-Kirigiri: *blushing* R-really Naegi-Kun? I seem like a pervert though...
-Naegi: Don't worry Kirigiri-San, I do too, anyway this is just between u-us... *blushes*

*Naegi hugs Kirigiri and Kirigiri hugs back*

(A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I'm behind on dares lol idk why but it takes me like 2 days to work on them now idk why. But I would like to thank MikiYamaNerd for getting through a bunch of writers blocks the last few chapters! Couldn't of done it without her help! So pls check out her stuff! We both really love Naegiri so if you do too pls do so! Anyway that's it! I'll try to work on dares and asks as fast as I can! Thank you very much! And as always I'll see you guys in the next chapter! -Sean)


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