Chapter 2

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Leah's POV

"Carter, Wake up. We have to get ready." I shook Carter awake. He sleepily smiled at me. "Good morning, lovely." I couldn't help but laugh. "I'll make breakfast while you shower, then we will switch. Move your booty, mister." This earns me a slap on the ass from Carter on his way to the bathroom. I squeak and he laughs Bastard. I make Carter shower first because he takes forever. So I make my way to the kitchen and whip up some omelets to use the rest of the eggs. I am just putting the plates on the table when Carter waltzes in looking great, as always. He throws me a wink as he sees that I made his favorite. I wish he was straight. He is so hot, but then again he is like a brother, but not. He knows I am checking him out, we always do. He does the same thing, even though he is extremely gay. "Looking good, Carter." I wink as I head to the shower. "I always do" he calls out after me, making me laugh. 

We are in a cab on the way to the airport and I hate to admit it, but I am nervous. I have never left the state of Texas, ever. Carter's mother is Greek, so he used to go to Greece all the time until he told them he was gay and they shunned him. That breaks my heart, Carter is a great guy, who cares that he is gay. They accept his sisters, who screw everything that doesn't get away first and have a nasty attitude to match, but shun Carter, who is awesome and is looking for love, yes, my bestie is a virgin. 

"Here we are!" Cater exclaims, happily. We pay the cab driver and gather our luggage. As soon as we are in the airport, I see a man holding a sign that says, L. Tucker. "Look, Carter. Over there." I point to the man and Carter nods. We make our way to him. "I am Leah Tucker and this is my friend, Carter Stevenson." The man is very tall, well over Carter's six foot two, and quite handsome, dressed in an expensive suit. He looks to be about my age. He smiles down at me. "Very nice to meet you, Ms. Tucker. I am Joe Montgomery, Grant's younger and much less serious, brother. If you would both come with me we will get on with it. The flight will take about four and a half hours and then we have about an hour and a half drive from Seattle to Eatonville. So we are going to be together for awhile. Sorry about that." Joe smiles at us. I look at Carter and he is grinning like a loon. I laugh at him. "Carter, your face is going to be stuck that way." He laughs and pokes me in the ribs, causing me to squeak and jump. This, of course, makes him laugh harder. Prick.

Joe leads us to a small private jet. "This is it. We should all be comfy here. This baby has everything." He winks at me as the stairs touch the ground. A couple of guys take our luggage and stow it as we climb aboard. It is beautiful. Cream leather seats, large tv, dark wood tables, it's like a very nice living room. We take our seats and I can't help the question bubbling up. "Did you know my Uncle Thomas? I didn't even know my Dad had a brother." I look at Joe with pleading eyes. He looks guilty. "I can't tell you anything until Grant reads you the will. I am sorry, Leah. I wish I could, but it is forbidden." 

"Oh, I guess it is ok." I shrug. We all make small talk for the next few hours. Then next thing I know. Carter is shaking me, "Sweetheart, wake up. We are here." I stretch and look around, but I am in an SUV, not a plane. Woah, what happened? I look up at Carter and smiles gently at me. "You were sleeping so soundly, we didn't want to wake you up, so we carried you to the car. You slept for the last four hours." I smile at him. "I am far too heavy for you to be carrying, Carter. You should have just woken me up." He shook his head at me. "Joe carried you. He is pretty strong, but you are not heavy, sweetie." He winked at me. I blushed at the thought of a stranger carrying me. "Thanks, Joe." I smiled at him. "No problem, it was my pleasure." He winked and my blush deepened causing both men to laugh. 

The town was small and cute. I loved it. It was surrounded by trees. Joe lead us into a small office. "Sheila, tell Grant that Leah is here." Joe told a beautiful redhead sitting behind a desk as we walked in. She smiled and picked up her phone telling Grant we were here. "He is ready for you." Sheila told us with a sweet smile. 

Grant stood and greeted us as we walked into his large office, dominated by a large desk. My God were all the men this tall. Grant was a couple inches taller than Joe. He was about thirty with the same blonde hair and blue eyes as Joe. He was handsome and very well built in a very expensive suit that seemed to fit him very well. "Hello, you must be Leah. I am Grant." He held out his hand and I took it. It was very warm and firm. "Yes, I am Leah and this is my friend Carter. It is very nice to meet you, Grant." He beamed a bright smile at me and Carter. "I wish we were meeting under better circumstances.  I knew Thom very well. He was a good man, very gentle and he loved your father and you very much. It broke his heart when your parents took you and left here."  Grant said solemnly. "Wait, what do you mean? I have never been outside of Texas." I asked I was lost. Carter gripped my hand and I held on for dear life. "I'm sorry, but you were born right here in Eatonville. You lived here until you were three. Then your parents moved for reasons Thom would never say. He left you everything he had. You see her never found his ma- um, a wife or had any kids. He was your father's twin brother. When they were little, they lost their parents in a horrible house fire. My mom and dad took them in and they were like brothers to me and Joe." Grant said sadly. "We watched your parents meet and fall in love. Then you were born, the whole pa- town celebrated. We were all so happy. Then one day, you were all gone. I wish I knew what happened. I heard that your parents passed a couple of years ago, did they leave a note, or did you find anything to explain anything?" Grant asked with sadness in his blue eyes. I shook my head. "I am sorry, Grant. My parents died in a horrible house fire too, there was nothing left but debt. This is the first I am hearing of any of this." 

"I am sorry, Leah. I know that this is hard, but you have a lot of people who will be so happy to see you after all these years. I know that I am one of those people, as is Joe." I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. "You don't look old enough to be the same age as my parents and Joe looks the same age as I am." Grant laughed. " I am much older than I look so is Joe, it's is just good genes." Joe laughed and I looked at Carter who just shrugged. 

"Ok, it is getting late and I am sure you would like to have a rest after all that travel. I will take you up to Thom's place. Well, I guess, it's your place now. He left you everything he had. You are a very wealthy young lady, Leah." I nodded at him about wanted to rest. "Before we leave, your Uncle wanted me to give you this. He asked that no one open it except you." Grant handed me an envelope. "Thank you." With that, he lead us all, Carter, Joe, and myself, to the SUV and we were off. 

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