Chapter 18

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Mark's POV

The past few weeks have been crazy with the babies up every three hours to eat. I don't know how Leah does it. She doesn't even look tired and I know I am exhausted. We just put the babies down for the night, they are starting to sleep longer between feedings now and Leah and I are laying in bed. "I want to make love, Mark. We haven't been able to since before the babies were born and I miss your touch." She whispers to me. "You don't need to ask me twice, love." I say as I kiss her deeply. It's crazy, our hands and mouths are everywhere. I missed her, too.

After three rounds of lovemaking and a shower, I watch Leah sleep. Usually, she sleeps peacefully, but right now she is all over the place. She is sweating and groaning, it's almost like she's shifting. OH Shit! She IS shifting. I gather her in my arms and run out to the backyard linking Joe, Grant, Jesse, Mom, and Dad. I lay her in the grass as they all come running. "She's shifting!" I yell and Jesse and Ryan, who I didn't even see at first, hit their knees next to her. "I could feel her distress." Jesse says and Ryan nods, "Me too." Must be a Guardian thing. She starts to shift, I remember the pain I felt and wonder how she isn't screaming. She is sweating and grunting, but other than that, not a sound. I hear her bones start to break and cringe. "She was like this during childbirth too, not a sound other than grunting." Jesse says in awe. My strong mate.

After what seems like a lifetime she fully shifts. She is a large pure silver wolf. She is bigger than any other wolf I have ever seen. Her eyes are the same deep emerald green and she is breathtaking. She looks at me and barks, then takes off running into the forest. I shift and run after her. Then I notice, everyone else shifted and we are all running together. I can feel her joy through the mate bond and it makes me so happy. We run for about an hour and then head back to the pack house. We shift back and pull on shorts we keep in the basket by the back door. I grab a big shirt for Leah, but when she shifted back, she was still dressed.  "What the fuck?" Jesse says, shocked. Leah looks at him and shrugs, "It's a Moon Goddess thing." She winks and laughs. We all laugh and head to the kitchen, running makes you hungry.

Leah's POV

For the last few months, Mark, Jesse, Ryan and I have been training. We know it won't be long before Matt and his hunters come back and I want to be ready. The babies are growing fast and despite the fact that they look alike, they each have a very different personality. They are all walking and talking now and tomorrow, them and Addy are having their first birthday party. The whole pack is buzzing with excitement. Regan and I have become close and I learned that she and Ryan are twins. Ryan is quiet but funny and I am glad he is one of my Guardians. He doesn't have a mate yet, but he will soon, I have gotten that from the Moon Goddess, we talk, a lot. She said she had to choose someone to replace her, and I will have to do the same in a thousand years. She told me I won't take her place for a long time yet, but that she knows I will make her proud.

Linda, Regan and I are finishing up decorating for the party when Joe bounds into the backyard. "People are showing up, are you guys done?" Regan walks to him, "Yes, hon, we are done." He smiles at her and lays a hand on her swollen belly. She is three months along with her and Joe's twins. Everyone files out into the backyard and the party starts. Children of all ages are running and laughing. Everyone is having so much fun. Then I hear them. "Jesse, They are coming! Linda, get people to the safe room, NOW!" I yell and everyone gathers the kids up. After the backyard is cleared of everyone except Roland, Mark, Jesse, Ryan, Joe, Grant and myself, the hunters break through the tree line.

"Where's your leader?" Mark barks at them. I hear Matt's evil laugh. "You have beautiful children, Leah. Too bad they have to die with you and your Mate." He steps out holding Roland and Greg by their collars. I growl. "Let go of my children, right now, and I will make your death quick." Matt laughs, Roland is standing there tall and strong, for a one-year-old. Greg has tears in his eyes but doesn't say a word, my brave little men. I glace at Mark and see the rage on his face. "Fine, Matt, Release my children to Mark, Then you can have me." Mark's eyes meet mine and he looks scared. "You don't get it, you all have to die. Your whole line. I have worked for years and killed everyone in your family, you and these brats are the end." Matt is paying attention to me and not Ryan who silently sneaks up behind him and puts him in a headlock. He drops the boys and they run straight to me. I gather them in my arms and kiss them. "Listen to me, boys. You need to get to the safe room. Grandma is waiting there for you. I will come get you soon." They both nod with tears in their eyes and Roland takes them and runs off.

Matt and Ryan are fighting until more hunters jump Ryan. Then the fight is on. We all shift and tear through the hunters. Until all that is left is Matt. We all shift back. "Matt is mine. He will pay for my family." I tell Mark and he nods. Matt and I circle each other trading blow after blow. I didn't have a weapon, but Matt had a knife in his boot. He pulls it and stabs me right in the heart. With the last of my energy, I rip out his throat with my bare hands and we both fall to the ground.

Mark, Jesse, and Ryan are kneeling next to me. "Oh, baby, no" Mark sobs. Jesse and Ryan are both crying and that is the last thing I see as my world goes black.

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