Chapter 10

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Mark's POV

The last thing I remember was Sam telling me that I was having twins. I blink my eyes open and see that it is dark outside and I am in my bed, alone. Where is Leah? I sit up and look around, nope not in here. I check the clock, 7:30 pm. Geeze, I have been out for a while. I go down to the kitchen to see if everyone has run away. I smell my mate's scent as I reach the bottom of the stairs. I hear my mother's voice. "Don't worry, Dear, his father did the same thing when he found out we were having our first pup." Then my mate, "What if he doesn't want them? I love him, Linda, but what if it is too soon for him?" I freeze, knowing she doesn't know I am listening. "I have always wanted a family with lots of children. To watch my husband play with our kids, and teach them things. I have no idea what Mark wants, I barely know him. He barely knows me. I have annoying habits, he is going to get sick and tired of me, I know it. He told me this was forever, so when he gets tired of me, he is stuck. Then he will hate me. I wouldn't be able to stand that." I hear her voice crack and that is all I can take. I barge into the kitchen and sweep her up into my arms. "Shhh, baby, no. I will never hate you. I love you, I can be annoying too, but we were made for each other. Don't worry so much. How about tomorrow, we spend some time together, just the two of us, and really get to know each other?" I ask staring into those deep green eyes. She nods and I can't help but kiss her.

Morning sun breaks through the curtain and it wakes me. I look down at my little mate, curled into my chest sleeping. I have a lot to do today because I am going to surprise her with a picnic. I wiggle away from her and I hear a soft whimper, it makes me smile to know she needs me. I slide my pillow up next to her and cover her up. I leave her note telling to dress warm today because I have a surprise for her, then head to the kitchen. My Mom is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee when I stroll in. "Hey, Mom, I want to take Leah on a picnic and show her around the land today. Then, I want to officially add her to the pack so that she can link with us." Mom beams at me. "I will get some food together. Try not to tire her out too much, carrying twin is rather tough." I nod then head up to my office, grabbing a pop tart on the way out. 

I call Joe and Grant, as my Beta and Trusted friends, they should know what I am going to do. They are waiting by the time I get there. "Hey, Mark. What's up?" Joe greets me as we walk into my office. "I am going to officially make Leah a pack member today. I want her to be able to use the mind link. I know she can handle herself, but with her being pregnant and Matt wanting her dead, I don't want to take any chances." They both nod. "I agree, and I have beefed up patrols on the borders, just in case. I don't want anyone getting to her either." I clap, "Then it's agreed. I am going to take Leah out on a picnic and tour of the lands today. Joe, you're in charge. You know how to get ahold of me if you need me. By the way, when is Jesse coming back. My Delta goes on a mate-finding tour six weeks ago, and I haven't heard from him since." Grant speaks up. "I talked to him yesterday. He said he has had no luck and that he would be home tonight. He said he tried to call you, but you didn't answer. It must have been while you were passed out." Grant and Joe snicker. I roll my eyes. "I will see you later, stay out of trouble." I leave them both giggling like school girls and head back to the kitchen to see if everything is ready to go. I see Mom and Leah sitting at the table, laughing. This makes me smile. "Ready, sweetheart?" She smiles up at me and nods. I look at Mom and she nods that everything is ready, so I give a kiss on the cheek. I take Leah's hand and lead her out to my Jeep and we head off to my favorite place to think. 

"This is beautiful, Mark," Leah says with awe. She is right. We are on a cliff that overlooks the territory. I can see almost all my land from here. "Just don't get too close to the edge, I couldn't bear to lose you."  I tell her softly as I lay out the blanket and start unpacking the basket of food. She turns and sees the picnic and smiles at me. "I love picnics, they are one of my favorite things." As we eat the sandwiches my Mother made, we talk about everything from favorite colors to music and movies. We have some common tastes, but then somethings are complete opposites. I think that makes things more fun. Before I know it, the sun is starting to set, we have been out here all day. 

"Leah, I want to make you part of the pack, officially, so that you can use the mind link. I will teach you how to block it too, so you don't broadcast all your thoughts throughout the pack. What do you think?" I am excited about this and she looks like she is too. She nods enthusiastically.  "Ok, now, when I make you part of the pack, you feel it so, don't worry." She nods, so I continue. "I, Mark Tanner, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept you, Leah Tucker, as a member of the pack. Do you, Leah Tucker, promise to put your Alpha and your pack first in all things?" Leah stares into my eyes, "I, Leah Tucker, Promise to put my Alpha and my pack first in all things." I feel the pack bond expand and I hear Leah in my head. "Holy shite that was freaky." "Um, Leah, put up your block." I tell her softly. Then I explain what to do and then there are no more random Leah thoughts, for now. 

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