Chapter 12

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Leah's POV

I hop up and down, letting out a little squeal after Carter and Jesse leave the room. I look at Mark and he has a big smile on his face. "Could that have been any cuter?" I say to the room. Linda has a shocked face and Joe has a smirk on his face. "I knew it! I knew he was gay, he would never tell me though. Man, I am so happy he has finally found his mate. Leah, you have been good luck, darlin." Joe hollers causing all of us to laugh. Linda shakes herself out of her daze. "Carter and I went shopping for you today. He told me how much you hated to do it and said even if you did go, you had horrible taste. It has all been organized in your closet. Sorry Mark, half of your closet now belongs to your mate." She winks at him, causing me to giggle. "It's fine, Mom. I am happy to share anything with her." He gives me a wink and I blush. "how about I make some dinner, then?" I ask, changing the subject. Grant walks in and rubs his stomach, "I could eat." We all laugh and I shoo everyone out so I can get to work. I know just what to make. This pregnancy makes me hungry and crave a lot of pasta. 

I am just pulling the lasagna out of the oven when a rush of wind bursts through the kitchen. I turn and see Jesse, Carter, Mark, Joe, Grant, and Roland rush to the table. Mark comes over and takes the heavy pan out of my hands, "Allow me, my lady." He winks and I giggle at his silliness. I grab the homemade garlic bread and set it on the table. They all dig in. " Oh, Leah! This food is fantastic!" Jesse moans around a mouthful. Carter looks at me with wide eyes, "NO, my mate is an animal!" He says with mock horror, making us all laugh. 

After dinner, we are all sitting in the living room, just chatting about the way things have changed. "So, Jesse, how does it feel to finally have your mate?" Joe asks with a smile. Then it hits me, Joe is the only one in our circle that doesn't have a mate and I have yet to meet Sheila, Grant's mate. 

"Well, we are taking things slow, unlike some people." Jesse answers looking at Mark and I. Mark grins and I fire back, "I can't help it that I am simply irresistible." Causing everyone to laugh. "Honestly, it feels like home. It feels like finding a missing piece of your soul." Jesse smiles gently at Carter. 

"Hey, Grant, when do I get to meet your mate? I am swimming testosterone here and Linda and I are seriously outnumbered." I quirk an eyebrow at Grant. He smiles, "Honestly, she was trying not to overwhelm you. She knew you as a baby as well and she was afraid how you feel around her." He shrugs. "Well, I would love to meet her. I am honestly happy to see all of my family." I smile. 

"Joe, what about you? Have you found your mate yet?" I ask gently. He frowns slightly. "No, but I know I will soon. I can feel it. My wolf has been driving me nuts for the past few days." I nod, "Well, we will all be here for you when you find her or him." I wink at him and he laughs. Jesse turns to Roland, "I have a question that I was going to ask you earlier, but then I found Carter and everything else seemed unimportant at the time. It's about Leah, I feel a strong connection with her, almost as strong as a mate bond, but different at the same time. She makes me feel safe and loved. What's up with that?" Roland seems deep in thought at this question and I have to say, I'm pretty interested to know the answer because I feel a bond with Jesse as well. "Let me do some digging and I will let you know, ok?" Roland answers and we all nod. It seems Jesse and I aren't the only ones interested in this. 

We finally head to our rooms for the night and all I can think about is cuddling with Mark. "we need to start putting together a nursery and such, those babies will be here before we know it." Mark tells me as we are snuggling down in bed. I nod as I drift off to sleep.


Two months later. 

"Wake up sleepyhead. We are going to find out if we are having boys or girls today." I poke Mark. He grumbles something that I can't understand and goes back to sleep. Oh no he didn't. I am already the size of a house and getting bigger and I still have two months to go. He better step it up. Then, an evil plan forms, so I sneak out of the room and head for the kitchen. I am surprised to see Roland sitting by himself drinking coffee. "You alone? How'd that happen?" I ask him, no one gets any peace and quiet here. "Lucky I guess." He shrugs. Then he notices my evil smile. "What are you doing?" My grin grows, "Mark won't wake and we have a doctor appointment, so I am going to help him." 

"You know that grin of yours is a bit creepy, right?" Roland asks as he helps carry the pail of ice and water. I nod and we sneak back into my room. Mark is still snoring away and I look at Roland who is smiling like a kid at Christmas. He runs up next to Mark and dumps the ice water all over his head. I am roaring with laughter, Roland is rolling on the floor when Mark screams like a little girl and leaps from the bed.  Mark looks back forth between me and Roland, "You are so dead."

"Mark, we have an appointment, you should stop playing around and get ready." I tell him seriously and walk out of the room. Roland follows and as soon as we reach the hall, we erupt into laughter. Carter and Jesse step out of their room and look at us suspiciously, "What did you do?" I shrug and Roland simply answers, "Woke up Mark." and we walk, arm in arm, to the kitchen. I hear Carter from behind me, "That can't be good." I look up at Roland and he gives me a wink. Yup, no one gets any peace and quiet here. 

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