Chapter 13

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Mark's POV

Even the ice water wake up isn't enough to dampen my spirits today. I will find out if Leah is carrying my sons or my daughters. How she can be so calm, I will never know because I am freaking out. I have always dreamed of being a father but now that it is happening, I am scared out of my mind. I can't believe that little minx recruited my Father to help her this morning, though. I mean my Dad was always so serious, but Leah shows up and he starts his second childhood all over again. I like the change, however. Thinking about it now, I see a change in everyone since she came home. We are all happier, more light-hearted, I wonder what it is about her that just makes people happy. Don't get me wrong, I am glad for the change because, with the hunters around, everyone is always so down. 

"Good morning, my little Minx." I greet Leah as I enter the kitchen. She is sitting at the table with my parents, Jesse, and Carter. Giggles erupt from her and my Dad causing me to quirk an eyebrow. "Do you need some coffee before you go, maybe to help you wake up all the way?" Jesse asks me with a grin. Cheeky bastard. "No, I think that I am plenty awake, thank you." Making everyone but me and my Mother laugh. "Did I miss something?" Mom asks looking confused. "Apparently, I wasn't waking up fast enough for Leah, so she roped Dad into dumping a bucket of ice water on my head." I told her dryly, this causes more laughter but my Mom looks shocked. Ever since Thom was killed, my Dad has been almost lost. Thom was his best friend. Dad grins,"It didn't take much convincing, plus I couldn't let a pregnant woman carry a heavy bucket of water. That is just rude."

"We are going to be late for our appointment if you don't hurry." I tell Leah with a smirk. She grins at me and tells everyone goodbye as we make our way to the hospital. "I haven't seen my Dad in such a good mood for a long time, Thank you. You have brought joy to everyone and I just wanted you to know that it hasn't gone unnoticed." I tell Leah, taking her hand. She looks up at me with those deep green eyes, so full of love and smiles. "Everyone deserves to be happy, I just try to show them that." She shrugs.  

As we settle into the doctor's office, a nurse comes in,
"OK, Luna, hop up on the table and the doc should be with you in a moment." Leah grins and lays back waiting for the doctor. "I'm a little nervous. Do you want boys or girls?" She asks me with wide eyes. I can't help but laugh. "I don't care as long as they are healthy." I give her a small kiss and I feel her relax.
"OK, let's see some babies." Sam says grinning. He lifts her shirt and squirts some gel on her belly. As he is moving the wand around we are surrounded by the sound of two strong heartbeats. "Ah, there they are. Baby A, a boy. Baby B, a boy. Congratulations, two strong healthy boys." Sam says with a huge smile. Leah looks at me with so much love in her eyes. I lift off the table after wiping off the gel and kiss her deeply. "Thank you so much, baby. You have given me everything that I have ever wanted." With that, we say our goodbyes and head back home to share the news. We hear the laughter coming from the house as we open the door and my heart is about to burst, things have been so somber for so long, then Leah comes along and brings back the happiness. "Hello everyone, my beautiful mate and I have an announcement to make, we are having twin boys!" I boom excitedly. Everyone erupts in congratulations and laughter.

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