Chapter 16

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Mark's POV

I am so happy for Joe, he has waited forever for his mate and from what Leah tells me about Regan, Joe is perfect for her. He is very kind and patient and will help her heal. About a half hour after Joe and Regan disappear there is knock at the door. I open it to find a man I have never seen before. He is taller than me, short black hair, fair skin, and pale blue eyes.  "Can I help you?" I ask him. "Hello, my name is Ryan and I am looking for my sister, Regan. Her Alpha beat her and she ran off. I need to find her and make sure that she is ok." He looks just like Regan. "Please, come in and have a seat." I offer and mind link Joe, asking him if Regan wants to see her brother. Ryan thanks me and sits on the couch just as Leah walks into the living room. "Who was it, Mark?" She asks and locks eyes with Ryan, who jumps off the couch and is looking at Leah in a very strange way. "Leah, what is going on?" I ask her and she smiles. "Hi, my name is Leah, and you are?" she asks Ryan, holding her hand out. "Ryan, I'm Regan's brother." He takes her hand, smiling.

Joe and Regan reach the living room and everyone is staring at Leah and Ryan. "You are to be my second Guardian, Ryan. I hope you will accept it, it is ordained by the Moon Goddess." Everyone looks shocked, but Leah is smiling. Her eyes meet mine and I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face. Regan runs to her brother. "Ryan, I thought you were dead. Alpha told me he killed you." She sobs into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. "No, dear sister, he banished me, now I am a rouge. I have been in the unclaimed territory for the last few months until I heard what happened to you and I knew I have to find you." Ryan says, stroking her hair. He looks around the room at all of us, his eyes stop on Joe. Joe steps forward, "I am Regan's mate, I just met her today and she has told me everything. I will help her in any way that I can." Ryan nods, "Tell me about this Guardian thing." He looks at me, "You must be the Alpha, which makes Leah the Luna. The only time I have ever heard of the Luna having Guardians from the Moon Goddess was when the old Moon Goddess chooses a new person to take her place." We all stare at Leah, completely shocked. "ME? Replacing the Moon Goddess?" Ryan nods. "You must accept your role and I will add you to the pack, if you want to do it, that is," I tell Ryan. He hands Regan off to Joe and places his left hand on Leah's left shoulder, "I accept the position as your Guardian."  They both grimace in pain and I check Leah's shoulder and see another crescent moon, now each shoulder bears the mark.

We are all in the kitchen talking about the changes that have happened in the past few months when both Leah and Regan gasp. "I'm going into labor." Regan pants. "Me too" Leah groans. All the men start to panic. Leah and Regan both roll their eyes at us. "Mark, go get the bag. Joe, Go with Mark so that you can gather some things for Regan. Ryan, Help us to the Doctor. When you two are done, you can meet us there." Leah calmly hand s out orders and we all go our own ways. Joe and I bound upstairs to Leah and I's room. As we get there and start putting things together I mind link the pack, telling them that Their Luna is giving birth. Two seconds later, Jesse and Carter bust through the door. "Where is she?" They both ask at the same time. Joe answers since I am busy throwing things in the bag, "Doc's office." The four of us finish up and run to see the girls. Joe heads to Regan and Ryan and Carter and Jesse come with me to Leah's room.

She is laying back on the bed, covered in sweat. She looks at me with her big green eyes, "Hey, baby. Hi, Carter and Jesse." She smiles at us all. Carter and I each take a side and Jesse paces back and forth. "Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Can I do something to help you?" Jesse asks her, making Leah laugh. "Calm down, Jesse. Everything will be ok." "But it's too early, Are they ok?" Jesse starts pacing again. "It's all in the plan, Jesse. Calm down, I promise, everything is going to be fine." Leah says. Then she clutches my hand tightly, groaning. Sam bounces into the room, "Two at once, what a mess. I sent for Carla, she's the pack doctor of the closest pack, for help. She just got here and is helping Regan. So, let's see how we are doing, Luna." Sam says as he examines her. "Oh, wow, you are fully dilated, that was fast. You should be ready to push soon. With the next contraction, I want you to push. NURSE! " The nurse rushes in with a bunch of supplies and Leah groans again. Jesse is standing by her head, stroking her hair. "Push, Leah." Sam tells her and she starts to push. "Come, Alpha, I see the head." I walk down to see and pass out.


Mark is down for the count, not that I am surprised. "Come on, Leah. You are doing great." Carter coos at her. "Here's the first baby boy." Sam says holding up a dark haired blue eyed baby then hands him to the nurse. "Ok, Leah, halfway there. Push." Sam comes out, " Baby boy number two." This one has fine blonde hair and green eyes. He is also handed to the nurse. "Um, Leah. There is another baby in here, I need you to push." Sam says, nervously. Carter and I exchange worried looks over Leah's head. She hasn't said a word this whole time, no screaming, just grunts. "It's a girl, Leah. She is beautiful." Sam says handing a blonde haired blue eyed baby to the nurse. "Oh, Leah here comes another baby, push!" Sam instructs and she complies. "Another girl." Dark hair and green eyes, these babies are absolutely beautiful. "Let me get them cleaned up and you cleaned up and I will bring them back to you." Sam says and leaves the nurse to help Leah. Leah looks utterly exhausted. Her eyes meet mine. "Thank you, Jesse. You didn't have to stay. You either, Carter." We both smile. "I couldn't leave you to birth four babies alone." I smile at her. "Girl, you know I am always here for you." Carter beams at her. Sam comes in with another nurse each carrying two babies. Carter takes one, I take one and Sam hands the other two to Leah.  She is holding the boys, they all look alike except for hair and eye color.  She is beaming happiness. Carter is grinning from ear to ear and so am I.

Linda and Roland come in to see Mark laying on the couch, they both shake their heads and smile when they see Leah and us holding four babies and Roland hits the floor making all of us laugh.  "Oh, Leah, Four?" Linda asks smiling. Leah nods, "Two boys and two girls. How is Regan?" Linda smiles. "She is fine. She had a healthy baby girl."

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