Chapter 17

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Leah's POV

I would have never thought my life would have turned out this way. I have a husband that loves me, four brand new babies, my best friend is with me and in love, and I am a Luna. Mark finally wakes up and looks at me feeding Roland and sees three other babies laying in bassinets next to my bed. "Holy shit, What did I miss?" I laugh."You missed the birth of your four children. Roland Thomas, Gregory James and two little girls that have yet to be named." His jaw dropped. "Two little girls? Holy shit! Four babies at once? How are you?" He asks, shocked. I can't help but laugh again. "I'm fine, but our girls need names, any thoughts?" He thinks for a minute, "Iris Marline and Selene Anne." I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face. "Goddess names? I love it. They are so beautiful, all four of them. I can't believe how blessed I am to have you and all of them." I say, looking into his eyes. He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. "I am the lucky one, two strong boys and three beautiful Goddesses. I feel complete with you, Leah. I cannot thank you enough for giving me a family." He takes Roland from me and hands me Iris, blonde hair and blue eyes, and looks at me. "How will I know who's who?" I smile, "Roland was first, he looks just like you, dark brown hair and blue eyes, then Gregory was born next, he looks like me, light hair and green eyes, next was Iris, a mix of both with blonde hair and blue eyes and then Selene, the opposite of her sister with dark hair and green eyes. Other than their hair and eye colors, they all look alike."

Few minutes after feeding all four hungry babies, Linda and Roland come in. "Hello, Dear. How are you feeling?" Roland asks and I can't help but laugh, "I should be asking you that." Mark looks at his father, confused. Linda giggled, "Your Father saw that there were four babies and passed out. Like Father, like son." I smile at her, "Mark didn't even make it through the crowning." Both men just shrug. "Have you named the girls yet?" Linda asks picking up Selene. Mark beams, "You are holding Selene Anne and Dad has Iris Marline." I see a tear roll down Linda's cheek. "They're the most beautiful babies ever. They are the opposite of each other and a perfect mix of their brothers." I nod, "That's what we thought too."  Roland and Linda visit for a bit and then head home. "When can I get out of here, I want my own bed?" I ask Mark. He looks at me with a soft smile. "Sam should be in to check you out shortly and then we can all go." I nod. "How's Regan and her baby? She had a girl, right?" Mark looks at me, "I am not sure, I have been in here with you. I'll go check in on them." He kisses me and slips out the door. He is gone for two seconds when Carter and Jesse pop in wearing big smiles. "Hey, little momma." Carter smiles at me. "Hey, guys!" We talk about the babies and they talk to babies in little baby voices, making me laugh. After a few minutes, Sam comes in. "I'm gonna check you out so you can go home, Luna." Jesse stands up, "That's our cue to go, we will see you later, Leah and company." and they leave laughing. Sam checks us all out and says we are good to go.

Mark, Jesse, and Carter all come back to help take me and the babies back to the pack house. Mark had two more bassinets put in the nursery for the girls and we put them all to bed, turning on the  baby monitor before Mark leads me to our room. "what do you need, love?" He asks as we enter our room. "A shower, food, and a nap." I smile. He nods and sits me on the bed then gathers some comfy, baggy clothes for me to put on and helps me shower. I am still a little weak from giving birth, but not groggy since there wasn't time for any medication. I am so sore! He helps me shower and dress, brushes out my hair and braids it, making me smile. "Do you want me to bring you something or do you want to go to the kitchen?" He asks, finishing my braid. "Let's go to the kitchen, I want to stretch a bit before a nap." He nods and helps me to the kitchen.

Linda, Roland, Grant, Shelia, Jesse, and Carter are all sitting around the table when we walk in. "Viking" Carter quips at me and I laugh. "You just push out four kids with no meds and you are already up and moving!" he laughs. We are all talking and laughing when Joe comes in, looking happy and tired. "JOE!" I yell and jump up to hug him. He hugs me tightly, "Oh, Leah, thank you. You helped me with Regan and I love her and Addy so much." I sit back down and Joe tells us all about Regan and baby Addy. "I heard you had four?" Joe asks, quirking an eyebrow at me. I nod and Jesse and Carter launch into a tale of my childbirth and I can't help but laugh at them. I think they are traumatized. Mark squeezes my hand. "Come one, Leah, you should take a nap while the babies are sleeping." I nod and say goodbye. Mark picks me up and carries me to our room.

We lay there and cuddle. Just as I drift off, I hear Mark, "You gave me the world, I love you so much."

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