Chapter 15

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Leah's POV

I get up and slowly make my way to Mark's office, I have to tell him about my dream. As I walk into his office, he raises an eyebrow at me. "That was a quick nap, do you feel better?" I nod as I lower myself into a chair. "I have to tell you something." He nods and I tell him about my dream. He looks shocked. "Really? A wolf? A special wolf, given to you directly from the Moon Goddess, this is amazing! I knew you were special from the first time I saw you as a baby. And Joe's mate is coming tomorrow? That is great! He is so lonely." I nod eagerly. "I can't wait!" He laughs at me and I pout, causing him to laugh harder. Roland pops his head in the office, "I knew you were up, Mark only laughs like that for you." He winks at me as he comes fully into the room. "He's laughing at me." I pout and Roland smiles at me then looks at Mark, "Don't laugh at your mate!" He growls playfully, making me giggle. I tell him about my dream and he nods, smiling. "She told me the same thing, except about Joe's mate." I nod. "I am going to help with dinner." I get up carefully, these pups weigh a ton. I tell the men goodbye and waddle down to the kitchen, only to find it empty. That's strange, dinner is in about an hour, someone should have started it. Oh well, I guess it's just me then, no biggie. Linda rushes into the kitchen just I place the chicken into the oven. "I am so sorry, I completely lost track of time." I laugh, "No problem, dinner will be right on time." She smiles at me. "Dear, you shouldn't have to do that, you should be resting." I shake my head at her. "I can cook, you should know being pregnant doesn't mean you can't do things, you just do them slower." 

After dinner that night, Mark cuddles closer to me in bed, placing his hands on my tummy. The babies start kicking his hand and he smiles. " I love you and these babies so much, Leah. Have you thought about names yet? We don't have much time left." I nod, "The oldest should be Roland Thomas and the youngest should be Gregory James. What do you think?" I meet his eyes and I see the love pouring from them. "I love them, my dad will be so happy and your Father and Uncle would be proud." He kisses me gently and we drift off to sleep.

I wake to see I am alone in bed. I look at the clock, Damn, it's time to get up. After a shower and slowly dressing in a blue dress with small pink flowers that is cute and comfy, I head down to the kitchen. The family is sitting down at the table eating breakfast. Mark stands to help me into a chair and gives me a plate of eggs and sausage with toast. "Thank you, my love." I tell him as he kisses my cheek. "You should tell everyone the names you picked for the boys." Mark tells me giving me a smile. I nod, " Roland Thomas and Gregory James." Roland drops his fork, Linda tears up, Grant and Joe smile broadly. 

"You're naming your son after me?" Roland says, slightly choked up. I nod, "You are a wonderful man and you helped me dump ice water on Mark, Why wouldn't I?" I laugh. Mark growls at me, playfully and they all laugh. Linda jumps up and wraps her arms around me. "Your parents would be so proud of you, Leah." She whispers through her tears. 

We finish our breakfast and Joe offers to clean up as we all head into the living room to relax on the couches for a while. After about an hour, there is a knock on the door and Mark rushes to answer it. He gasps and we all race to see what is wrong. There is a woman laying on the porch, she is beaten and bloody, oh and very pregnant. Grant swoops her up gently and carries her to the pack doctor's office, we all trail behind him. Sam sees her and directs him to a room. Sam ushers the men out but asks Linda and me to stay and help him. 

It takes almost an hour to clean her up, she didn't have any serious injuries, but she was pretty bruised and cut up. Sam said she was due in the next couple of weeks and that the baby was ok. I sat in the chair next to her and held her hand. Even covered in bruises, she was beautiful. She had shoulder length black hair, fair skin, a cute button nose and full red lips. I don't know what color her eyes were, but I bet they were as beautiful as the rest of her. She was tall and slender and looked delicate, like a fine porcelain doll. 

I sat with her for the rest of the day, Mark brought me food and tried to get me to lay down, but I told him she should see a friendly face when she woke up. Finally, after several hours, her eyes fluttered open. Crystal blue eyes met mine. I smile at her. "Hi, my name is Leah. I am the Luna of The Crescent Moon pack. What's your name?" She seems afraid but then offers me a small smile. "My name is Regan." I nod. "What happened, Regan?" She sighs, "I feel like I can trust you for some reason. I am from the Blood Moon pack, my Alpha is a cruel bastard. He has a mate, but she is as bad. He says it is his duty to sleep with every female in his pack. I refused, but he made me, He raped me. This is his child. When I told him that I refuse to give him the baby, he beat me. I thought I was going to lose the baby. I ran as far and as fast as I could. When I came upon your pack house, I had been running for three days." She finishes and I hug her. "You are safe here, I will see to that, personally. The Doctor says your baby is healthy and that you should be giving birth very soon. You must be hungry and want a shower. How do you feel?" She smiles at me. "I am starving and happy to hear my baby is ok. I would love a shower. I feel ok, a bit sore." I nod, "Let me call Sam and see if you can go. Then I will take you to my room for a shower and some clean clothes and food, ok?" She nods and I waddle to the door. "Sam, she's awake and wants to go, will you make sure that she is ok?" "Of course, Luna." Sam checks her out, tells her to take it easy but she's she is free to go. 

I help her up and she stretches and we make our way to the pack house and up to my room, unnoticed. Odd, but I will take it. I show her to the bathroom and while she is cleaning up, I pull some of my clothes out for her, she is taller and thinner than me, but they will have to do for now. After she is done, we head down to the kitchen. On the way, I tell her about Mark and his parents and Grant, Joe, Jesse, and Carter. "I miss my pack, it will be good to be around a family that cares about each other." she tells me as we walk into the kitchen.  She stops right inside the door and stares at Joe. His head jerks up and his eyes meet hers. I grin and look at Mark who smiles back at me. I hear Joe. "Mate!" and Regan blushes and runs into his open arms, crying. He wraps his arms around her and rocks her gently, cooing in her ear softly. He picks her up and starts to carry her to his room at the pack house, but before he leaves I hand him a sandwich and juice. He smiles and I wink at him.  

The things your parents never tell youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ