Chapter 15

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Rosalie POV:

If someone would have told me a few days ago that I would want to murder someone, I would have laughed at your face.  At that time I could not have even thought of talking bad about someone, rather think of killing someone. I was a different person then, and I am a different now. I must have been the sweetest person who could not have harmed even a fly. But now, the deep rage burning inside of me, was something even I did not understand.

If something is taken away from you, which you loved with all your heart, you would go to all levels trying to get it back. That was exactly what I was doing.

I did not even realise what I was doing, when I found myself walking inside the pack house. Everyone's eyes were on me , trying to comprehend what I was doing. No one dared to make a move, all standing in their places like statues. A single glare from me and everyone resumed their work.

I walked towards the stairs, and started going upstairs. When I reached the third floor, I walked towards the second door on my right. The door was open a little and I peeped inside from the small crack. I could not see properly and could make to figures. They had their backs to me so I couldn't see who they were. They appeared to be arguing.

" Why are you doing this ? Was destroying one life not enough for you! I have warned you before and I am warning you now. You do whatever you want with me but you go after her, I swear on my life I will tell everyone what you have done." Said the person on the right.

"Tsk tsk Natasha! Trying so heard to sound dangerous. You very well know what I'm capable of. You say a word about what had happened, and your brother will never speak a word ever again. You fail to understand that he.."

" Shut up Matthew! Just shut up. You cannot threaten me anymore using brother anymore. My brother has already suffered enough. He is suffering every second. Better than suffering all his life, is if he dies. All his suffering would end at once." Shouted Natasha.

A huge gasp escaped me and both Matthew and Natasha turned towards. Natasha's eyes were filled with unshed tears and a little hint of anger. But contrastingly Matthew's  only held pure malice. It was like his inner animal had completely possessed him.

All of a sudden he charged towards me with a deep growl. I had no time to comprehend what was happening when suddenly a heavy body landed on me. The body was of a huge black wolf. It dug its claws in to my stomach, tearing at the skin. By body burned with pain as I let out a loud howl.  But this did not seem to stop the animal from doing more damaged. After a few moments which felt like hours, everything went still. No voice, no howls and no movement. The wolf toppled off of me and fell on the ground with a thump. Tears had blurred my sight. All I could see was my best friend standing in front of me, with a stoic expression on her face. Her hands which were covered by blood, in front of her and she was staring at it.

I looked to my side and saw Matthew's bloodied body lying on the floor, face down. Attached to his back was a dagger. A silver dagger it appeared. Everything slowly dawned upon me. My best friend had saved me by killing my attacker. Her own mate.

Natasha seemed to snap out of her daze, when I let out a moan. She rushed towards me, her face still blank. When she realized the amount of pain I was in, she dropped her facade. Tears brimmed in her eyes. She pressed her hand on my stomach to stop the blood from oozing out. The pain in her eyes was enough to make me forget my own pain. I offered her a weak smile. That was all it took for her to burst into tears. She kept apologising to me. Kept saying how she was not a good friend and how it should have been her in my place.

I tried to stop her from blaming herself for what had happened, but not a word came out. I wanted to say so many things to her. Of how she wasn't to blame. I wanted tell her how much I loved her and never would have wanted her to be in my place.

What I was going through was just temporary and would end soon. But what she would go through the rest of her life was too much. The burden she would have to carry of killing someone. There were just so many things.

But I was helpless. I was slowly drifting into unconscious. All of my body going numb from the pain. Before I closed my eyes, I could hear a loud growl coming from the doorway. And then everything went blank.

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