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The signs that procrastinate until the last day of a project. For homework they wait until the morning it's due.

Sagittarius: Like to take life easily, don't think homework is that relevant. They think it's stupid.

Aquarius: They are a rebellious sign, so they wouldn't do it. They think it's boring.

Leo: Leo has better things to do then homework.

Aries: They think it's boring. Who wouldn't?

Mild procrastinating, don't do it the first day or the last.

Taurus: Pretty lazy, but they'll get around to it eventually.

Cancer: Cancer likes to take their time, but they know when to get it done.

Libra: Libra is naturally lazy, but doesn't procrastinate a lot.

Pisces: It's hard for them to focus, and they get confused a lot, so they use that as an excuse to not do something right away.

Gemini: They are capable of finishing it just fine, but they choose not to.

Get it done the first day, they are the perfect students when it comes to homework and projects.

Virgo: It will bug them if they don't do it right away. They wouldn't be able to function.

Capricorn: Capricorns are really responsible, so they would get it done immediately.

Scorpio: Scorpio just does a shitty job and gets it over with.

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