Signs As Serial Killers

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The ruthless killers that kill because they can

Aries: One of those people that would say, "Fuck this shit," and just leave a whole mess behind.

Scorpio: Scorpios would kill because someone betrayed them, and they wouldn't take it lightly. If you ever betray a Scorpio, make sure you don't get chopped up into pieces and thrown in the river.

Sagittarius: They are known to be quite reckless and impulsive, so that kind of narrows it down to ruthless.

The stupid smart ones that make sure they leave enough evidence behind to be known, but never accused

Taurus: Taurus is the super-whiz that knows how to kill someone, and how to not get caught. Years of experience helps, too, I guess.

Virgo: That shy person in the background that no one will ever think can kill someone, let alone be a serial killer. Then when you look away they smile evilly.

Capricorn: These people are extremely cautious, intelligent, and precise. They know exactly how to murder, but never be charged guilty, because they cover up their tracks just enough.

The crazy ones that cackle and and sing and all of that crazy shit that crazy people do

Gemini: Gemini are the nice people with chirpy personalities, and then they kidnap you, laughing maniacally.

Leo: You all saw this coming. You don't need an explanation to know Leo's are bat-shit crazy.

Aquarius: They are unpredictable, making them frightening to come across. Aquarius are also a bit aggressive, so they'll tackle you to the ground, laughing hysterically as they stab you with a knife again and again.

The ones that kills because they have to, it's necessary for them, whether they are black mailed or something else

Cancer: They are usually the typical nice, shy person, and they end up being black mailed into murdering people.

Libra: Libra are too caring to kill anyone besides when being forced to against their will.

Pisces: Pisces is just the normal neighbor that works in an office, and they get threatened that they'll die unless they kill a bunch of people.

Life lesson of the day:

It sucks when you don't have wifi or the internet at your house, and half of your homework is online. Sorry teachers, but you'll have to let it go.

This isn't even a life lesson, but I don't have internet for two weeks. I'm using up all of my data😞.

Maybe I'll just go to McDonalds. They've got free wifi there. And delicious french fries.

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