Movie Genres

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Action Movies

Aries: Aries is basically all action. They are aggressive, impulsive, and risky.

Aquarius: They are rebellious and quite active.

Romance Movies

Taurus: Taurus are generally romantic and they make excellent partners.

Cancer: Mostly the same as Taurus, emotionally in love.

Libra: Libra rules partnership and marriage, so you could say they would be a romance movie.

Pisces: Pisces are affectionate. They're like a cute romantic type.

Comedy Movies

Gemini: Geminis are the queens/kings of sarcasm. They're a silly bunch that use sarcasm every day.

Leo: A Leo knows exactly how to make anyone laugh.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius has the kind of humor that can come off as rude. Some people may despise Sagittarius because of this.

Horror Movies

Virgo: Anxious and secretive are traits of a Virgo. Makes for a tempting movie.

Scorpio: Scorpios are the definition of shady, mysterious, and scary.

Capricorn: Very intimidating, Capricorn can come off as frightening. Especially when angry.

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