What Country They Are

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Aries: The great and mighty Mother Russia.

Taurus: Good ol' Greece.

Gemini: The fucking land of the free called the United States of America.

Cancer: Plaid's cousin Scotland.

Leo: With dramatic accents from Italy.

Virgo: The turkey of countries... Turkey.

Libra: Where all the love comes from. And the Eiffel Tower. France.

Scorpio: They've got vikings that'll chop your head off if you betray them in Norway (at least they used to).

Sagittarius: Oi mate! I just killed a kangaroo with a boomerang in Australia!

Capricorn: Being fancy eating tea and crumpets in the United Kingdom!

Aquarius: Those birds are angry in Finland.

Pisces: Some geese with the Portuguese in Portugal.

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