What They Do On Weekends

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Aries: Break all their limbs. Aries are the people that always have casts at school or work, and they tell a completely false story which usually involves getting attacked by a pack of wolves.

Taurus: Procrastinate. First they procrastinate waking up in the morning, then they procrastinate getting out of bed. It really goes on and on.

Gemini: Joins the parties, gets drunk, does a lot of stuff that their parents would probably not approve of on the weekends.

Cancer: Stays home and does those family game nights. Who would pass up that opportunity? They are the kings/queens when it comes to Monopoly.

Leo: Leo are the ones that throw the party, most likely when their parents are out of town or on business trips. Hopefully the Leo can clean up before their parents get back, or they're in real trouble.

Virgo: Cleans. They've got the whole cleaning supplies in their closet, and they plan on rocking out that Taylor Swift all weekend long.

Libra: Goes on their twentieth date this month. If they aren't on a date, they're using Tinder. Sorry to disappoint you.

Scorpio: Killing all their exes, with preferably an ax, but they don't really care as long as there is death involved. Don't forget about blood, blood's cool too.

Sagittarius: Travels to Hawaii to religiously sacrifice their little sister in a volcano. Doesn't necessarily have to be religious, as sisters can be plain annoying sometimes.

Capricorn: Work work work work work. Whether at a desk or on a roller coaster, those Capricorns are working.

Aquarius: Rebelling against Donald Trump. Aquarius are the crazy protestors you see wherever Donald Trump goes, they scream, shot, and let it all out.

Pisces: Getting high... I'm sorry guys.

Life Lesson:

Singing songs with your friend while working in gym class may have a few people hate you.

Maybe it was when we sang Let It Go, though.

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