How Emotional They Are

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Aries: Aries most common emotion is anger or frustration.

Taurus: They are stubborn with their emotions, but they have a pretty good handle on them.

Gemini: Just a blank face. All day everyday. Unless they are alone then they can scream their guts out.

Cancer: Extremely emotional, but you can't exactly tell unless you know them.

Leo: They are very dramatic about what they're feeling, expressive.

Virgo: Virgo can be moody, but don't really show their emotions.

Libra: They have the most balanced emotions.

Scorpio: Pretty passionate emotions, out of control. They feel their emotions the deepest.

Sagittarius: They don't like to show negative emotions.

Capricorn: Their pessimism usually gets in the way, so they usually have negative emotions.

Aquarius: Stubborn, don't like to show their emotions.

Pisces: Pisces are emotion.

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