I Used To Romanticize (2)

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@Hail-In-April 's story, Face The Music, for MT has over a hundred reads. CHECK IT OUT BECAUSE I LOVE IT.


 I heard Matt's footsteps as he came in the room, the gentle pitter-patter of Bennie follow close behind him. "Did he eat the food?"

Matt sank onto the couch, rubbing his face. "No, but he talked to me. I mean, that's good."

It was, but it also wasn't. It had only been a week, sure, but it had also been a whole week. We were supposed to be working on the album, but couldn't with our lead singer curled up in bed. Sure, the dude had just gotten his heart broken, but I was also positive it had happened before and would happen again. 

"Maybe we should set him up with a girl." I suggested. "Like, a dating site or something. Help him move on faster."

Ian shrugged, "Alright," he pulled out his phone and started punching in letters.

"Wait, wait, wait." Matt jumped up and raised his hands. "We can't just...do this. We have to tell him, don't we?"

"It's not like he has to know. We could make him go on a blind date." I rationalized, moving closer to Ian to peer over his shoulder at the phone. LoveBugs.com. It didn't really seem to sound a site, but who was I to judge?

"That's not what a blind date is!"

"Use it in a different sense, Webb. Blind as in, he has no idea what's going on."

"That-" he looked like he wanted to argue but stopped himself, mulling it over. "That actually kinda makes sense." Matt leaned on the couch to watch the screen. "What do you got?"

"Collin-Cross-Heart." Ian read. "Twenty-three, from right here in Vancouver. 'I love music, talking about music, reading, and...um, other normal things. Looking for a guy who isn't a douch-Josh might not work for her, then," he joked, "and I guess is cool. Meg says that if he has a hot brother that'd be good too.'"

"Whose Meg?" Matt asked. 

"I don't know, maybe her roommate or friend or something. 'That's about it. Oh, and dogs. I love dogs.-Collin'" He paused, "what do you think? Soul mates?"

"Definitely." Someone said from behind us. We all jumped, turning to see Josh. He had changed into clean clothes, his hair was wet. I hadn't even heard the shower. He grinned, "I think she sounds pretty awesome. Let's message her."

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