Don't Want To Think About It

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Being the single one in the house sucked, but it sucked especially hard when it seemed that your roommate didn't have just one but two-two-boyfriends. And when one was your ex's best friend. 

Of course, Meg hadn't confirmed a relationship with either. It just seemed that Collin would always come home to find her talking on the couch with Jacob, or listening to Matt ramble about something in the kitchen while she made cookies. Or that Collin would come home to no one at all, which was almost worse.

It was almost like Meg was trying to remind her just how alone she was.

Maybe she was being a hypocrite. After all, when Collin was with Josh she barely spent any time with her best friend. Maybe this was her way at getting back at her. 

Maybe Collin was just delving too far into these dark thoughts. 

Nowadays she tried to stay as far away from the house as she could. After one near disaster when Josh was picking Matt up, she just didn't want to risk it. Which was exactly what brought her to the Lions Gate Bridge at nearly one in the morning, eyes firmly avoiding the water below as she stood as far away from the cars-most likely driven by half-asleep drivers, she figured-as possible. 

Not that the drivers were the only drowsy ones on the bridge that night. Collin could feel her own eyes slipping faster than a foot in water. 

"You aren't going to jump, are you?"

The voice came from behind her. It almost sounded like he was trying to be sarcastic, but couldn't keep the smallest hint of a hint of desperation, fear, and love from his voice. 

Just to annoy him, Collin leaned a little more off the side of the bridge. "So what if I am?" She challenged, not really meaning it. At least, not fully. Jumping seemed a little extreme, but she was curious as to what his answer would be.

"I would have to jump after you, and then I would be one pissed man. One dead, pissed man."

She leaned a little more, foot slipping. Josh jumped forward and caught her by the waist, lifting Collin gently and setting her down on the other side of the pavement. 

"I wouldn't have actually," she said, rolling her eyes, "I'm not that upset over this, you know." She waved her hand between them, trying to signal just what exactly "this" was.

Josh seemed to realize that his arms were still around her and pulled away quickly, tripping as he did so. He fell on the concrete, glaring at Collin as she cackled. He ignored her hand and stood up on his own. "That's not what Meg said. According to her, you've been spending all day drunk off your ass and needing her to wait on you hand and foot."

"Yeah, well according to Matt you've been sleeping around with any girl in a ten mile radius, so I wouldn't be talking."

"Obviously not a ten mile radius. You still seem to be fully clothed, at least."

Collin couldn't help it--she laughed. Even Josh seemed to be surprised, his face lightening with mirth. 

The bridge shook under them as a huge truck rolled past, blaring once at them in a hostile way before lumbering off the bridge again. The noise shook them out of their uproar enough for the mood to become somber once again. 

Not able to think of anything else to say, Collin heard herself mutter, "I bet you wish you could change that," before she even knew what she was doing. 

"You're the one who said it, little-miss-virgin."

She snorted, "Please, you little slut. I went to college. That was obviously gone a while ago."

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