Barely Comes To Mind

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She stood on the bridge, leaning over the side just enough to worry me. It was a position I could find her in often these days, almost like as soon as she walked above the water she became trapped in memories. 

For ghosts, they say that when a spirit felt a strong connection to a place they'll often go back to it. The bridge was that sort of place for me, a magnetic pole I couldn't help but go to. 

"You aren't going to jump off, are you?" I joked, putting my arms around Collin's waist from behind. "I didn't bring my swimsuit."

"I guess I'll have to try again another day. Darn." She smiled, turning so that her back was against the metal. "What brings you here?"

"I have something to give for you and Meg told me I you had already left. Knowing you, I naturally assumed that it was to dangle five thousand feet in the air off an old metal structure."

Collin laughed, putting her arms around my neck. "I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong if that's the first thing you think of whenever you can't find me, but honestly I'm too lazy to change that. What do you need to give to me?"

"Good question," I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box. She raised her eyebrows skeptically as I handed it to her, but took it anyways. "Open it."

"What a genius idea." Collin did, grinning widely. "Josh, this is so sweet." She pulled out the little Raymond's gift card and put it in her wallet. "I'll cherish it always. Or, at least, until we spend it. Which is hopefully soon because I am starved."

"It's yours to spend. But see the little fuzzy part on the bottom? Lift that."

She gave me a skeptical look but obliged, putting a hand against her heart when she saw what was inside. "Aw, Josh..."

It was the key from our Ever After music videos. A little tarnished from wear and effects, but still the original. I knew Collin had been listening to our music forever, so it was something I knew she'd probably love to have. And, apparently, I had been right.

"Do you want me to put it on for you?" I asked. She nodded, handing me the necklace. The metal was cold and heavy in my palm, the chain trailing attached to it like a snake. 

It wasn't a big, dramatic moment like you see in movies, just a guy giving a girl some jewelry and the promise of food, but it was one more memory for the bridge to hold.

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