I Breath Disaster

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Pete made sure that I was safe in bed. One in the hospital, to be sure, but safe. Unless one of the doors burst open with a gun-wielding madman from the psyche ward.  

I sat up, wincing when my bed creaked beneath me. The doctors weren't keeping me in for physical injuries-there were only a few bruises-so much as mental. According to one, a woman with thick black frames and a hard to pronounce name, I could experience trust issues, insomnia, nightmares, etc, etc. 

Wow, I never would've guessed. 

Next to me, a form shifted in the dark. I could only see the barest outline of Jacob's body; his chest, arms and sweep of curly hair were the only things visible. I felt like I was in a black and white photo. 

"Meg?" He whispered, putting hand on my shoulder to make sure of where I was. "What're you doing awake? You should be getting to sleep by now. It's almost seven."

I rolled my eyes, an instinctual reaction even though he couldn't see it. "Well, mom, I find it hard to fall asleep at a bedtime set for a three year-old. And besides, all that noise in the hallway doesn't help any."

"What, do you want a goodnight kiss?" He teased, flicking my hair with his fingers. My eyes were beginning to adjust in the dark.

"I think it'd be more for you than me."

"I don't hear any denial."

I stayed quiet, honestly not leaning towards the "no" side so much as the "yes". Or maybe just the middle. High middle.

Jacob put one hand on my back, holding me up so I could lessen the weight off my elbows. Slowly, as though he were afraid to scare me away (like I could just Looney-Tunes jump away from him now), he kissed me. 

The light to the room turned on suddenly, burning the top of my eyelids. I blinked a couple of times, trying to clear the spots from my eyes. 

Matt stood by the doorway, blushing furiously. "I didn't think-sorry. Sorry. I'm just really sorry."

He pushed past Collin and Josh, who were coming into the room. Sending a desperate look to them, I pushed Jacob off me and ran, taking only a few turns in the hallway before I was lost. 

I sat down on the floor and cried. 


That was where Matt found me, three hours later. Visiting hours were long over, or so he told me. I had passed the time in a haze, crying and choking for air and thinking everything over. how could this happen, really? When Jacob's lips touched mine, I couldn't help but wish that it was someone else. 

Not that I didn't like it. Not that it didn't stir up butterflies in my stomach to the point where it was painful in the most wonderful way. But green was nowhere as beautiful as brown.

Matt reached for my hand, eyes meeting mine. Eyes puffy and red, like mine. 

He kissed me, and the difference from what I had felt with Jacob was huge. He was more sure, like he had been waiting to do it for a long time and was sure. Confident in what he wanted. 

Brown was so much better than green. 

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