Don't Miss It That Much Now

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The cut on my leg had stopped bleeding, but I decided to change the bandages on it just in case. It was pretty deep; red and puffy in surrounding areas. I looked in the cabinet to see if we had any antiseptic. Nix. 

Swearing, I quickly wrapped it and brought it off the stool. Bad idea. A jab like when you put your finger in an electrical socket went through my whole body, leaving me gasping. Oh. My. Fucking. God. That. Hurts. I stood, favoring the injured leg, and grabbed a notepad from my desk. I scribbled a quick note to Collin (gone 2 the store. b back soon) and hobbled outside, sure I looked like a half dead person. I didn't worry to much about how the cut would look when it healed; it would just add to my collection of scars.

The walk to the store was only a street away, but it could've been across the world for all the pain it brought me. I couldn't take the car because Collin would be suspicious: I was lazy but not that lazy. 

I was going through the medicine aisle when I ran into him. "Hello," Jacob cornered me cheerfully.

Jacob was a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but he had a huge...crush, I guess you could say, on me. He was sweet and smart and funny and I'll admit basically perfect, but...

"Hi, Jacob." I forced a smile and added the bandages and antiseptic to my cart. I went over to the self checkout and put my stuff through. "How're you doing?"

"Great!" He swiped a hand through his dark brown hair, making it stand up. He was good looking, too. Tan, dark brown hair, bright green eyes. But I had my Reasons. Or, more like Reason. "I was wondering," he shifted on his feet, "if maybe you'd like to go out with me tomorrow? To get pizza or something?"

"I'm sorry, Jacob. I really can't." This was a routine we played through every time we saw each other. "I'm just too booked up with work right now to do anything." Reason #1.

"That's alright, maybe some other time." He wasn't even fazed after so long. The problem was, he also wasn't deterred. "See you, Meg."

I waved, packing my stuff into a bag, "See you."

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