That When I Get Back

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"Hey, it's me. How's it holding up on your end?"

"Not too good, Matt. Currently, Collin is passed out on the couch, presumably drunk. I don't think she'd be this bad if she didn't insist on listen to Beside You on repeat and staying holed up in her room. She won't even go outside anymore; everything reminds her of him."

"Basically the same over here. The only plus is that Josh got some writing done on the new songs for the album. He's been playing his guitar all day, then heading out all night. It could be worse, I guess, at least he's throwing himself into music. That's safe. No need to worry about him too much, as long as he comes back. I'm surprised he's still doing the tour, to be honest, with this going on."

"Maybe he just doesn't want to come home."



"'s Bennie? Not that I'd ask you to look after him and Collin, but...I'd rather he not die, you know."

"Don't worry, I asked someone to look after him for me. I can go down every so often to just play with him or take him to the park, but Jacob is feeding him. He's been pretty helpful lately, actually."

"Oh. Is that your boyfriend?"


"Sorry, that's kind of personal. I mean, not that you can't trust me. You can. I know that doesn't really come easily for you, Josh told us, but I'd like it if you did. No need to worry about me telling any of your shit. I'm actually good with secrets. Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I?"




"Okay, I'm going to-"

"Wait! Sorry, Collin dropped a bottle and I had to go clean it up. She's still listening to the goddamn song. It must be on repeat for the thousandth time by now."


"Everyone has their methods of coping, I guess. Don't worry, though. I'm there when she's awake so she doesn't do anything stupid, which I guess is the best thing we can do. What were you saying?"

"Nothing important, really. Just that, um, we have a concert in Van coming up, if you'd like to come. We still have a few weeks touring, almost three, I think, but we could talk there if you want."

"Well...I wouldn't want to leave Collin. The concert sounds fun and all, but I don't want to take the chance of her doing anything too stupid."

"You should come!"

"Was that Mike? Yeah, I would, but I can't. She'll probably find out about it soon, if she doesn't know now, and I can imagine her freaking out."

"Yeah, he and Ian are here with me. Josh is out. Did you know he found her blog?"

"Mm, really? I think she put a new story up, but I haven't seen it yet. Not know, other things going on. Besides Collin, I mean. What's it about?"

"A big change from normal. Usually hers are so...I don't know, romantic and upbeat or at least sweet, unless it's scary, but this one was just...sad. I guess the work reflects the artist, though."

"Whatever it was, I'm glad she's actually doing something up there."

"I have hope about them, you know."

"Really? How? It ended so...loudly. Were you there?"

"No, Josh was in a restaurant, pissed at me. It's all my fault, you know, why he never answered her texts. I got a little...jealous, I guess you could say and Mike and I hid her phone. Then all this happened and I feel like shit. You have to fuck up pretty badly to end up with your friend acting like this."

"It's not your fault, Matt. They said crap things to each other that they shouldn't have. Just because something about someone annoys you doesn't mean you can freak out on each other about it. They should've been rational, both of them. Collin mostly, if I'm being honest, but both of them are at fault. Not that the phone wasn't the trigger, but there were so many more layers than that."

"Thanks, Meg."

"Anyways, why do you think that?"

"That they might get back together? Oh, because Josh always comes home kind of guilty, you know? And sometimes I'll see an unsent note to Collin, just casual, like telling him about the last concert. All they need is to act, and maybe it'll get going again."

"They do really like each other. Maybe even love? I don't know, I'm bad at sensing those things. I have to go, talk to you soon?"

"Sure. If you change your mind about the concert, just come. I'll let the people know you might show, just in case."

"Okay. Bye."


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