But Now It's Just A Bottom Line

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hahahahaha soooooo.......this was going to be a different part but I accidentally deleted the plans for it so now this is going to be a little shorter. only by one thing, though. hopefully.

The trial was the following week.

None of them had forgotten, of course, the events that lead them to the imposing brick building that day, but they wished they could. And, even more so, Mike, Ian, Matt, Josh and Collin wished that Meg could forget what happened that night seventeen years ago. Some things are just impossible forget. For some, it might be the first time you saw the one you love standing on your doorstep, or maybe the first time you picked up those drumsticks. When you heard the note of a guitar ring out clearly and knew that you had finally succeeded. Or maybe it's every single time you open your eyes after a kiss and find yourself in a new sort of heaven. 

Meg knew those. But she also knew many sorts of hells. 

They stayed with her the entire time, her own guard against the coldness of the courtroom. But even the wall of love and support around her couldn't stop those words from hitting worse than punches. 


One to the heart. It hurt like a mother.

Four thousand dollar fine.

One to the throat. She took a strained breath.

Three year jail time.

It was over; the round undecided. The sentence felt like too much for someone who used to love her so profoundly, yet too little for someone who had broken her heart. 

She could tell her friends-what a weird word-weren't happy about the verdict, either, but it's not like they came in expecting much. This was the best to hope for.

And the worst. 

Tears were falling from her eyes, but she couldn't tell who they were for.

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