To Have And Hold Ya

6 1 23

five or so more chapters after this
i kind of am
mostly not
but kind of
major plot problems resolved
relationships made

da bromances
all good


"Which one of these is the bleach?"

I looked over my shoulder. Josh was holding two identical brown bottles that they had just refilled an hour ago. Usually Meg labeled them, but the paper had fallen off in the water. All I knew was that one was milk and one was a cleaning agent. 

"Why don't you drink it and find out?" I turned back to the blender and switched it to stir. I heard Josh grab a cup from the cabinet and whipped around, "I didn't mean actually!"

He held up his hands defensively. "Hey, I was just getting some milk. If anyone here deserves to die a slow, painful death by bleach it's you."

"You little shit." I catapulted a chunk of batter at him with a spoon. It hit him on the cheek and he only grinned, taking a finger and wiping about half on my forehead. I shrieked in disgust, grabbing one of the bottles and dumping it over his head. It turned splashed down over his hair, hitting me as well. At least it was just the milk. 

The door opened and Meg screamed in anger. "What are you doing to my kitchen? You fuckers! Fuck you both! What the hell are you doing in here in the first place?" She grabbed a knife from the rack and held it above her head. "Get out! I'm going to kill you! Get out!"

Josh and I looked at each other and ran, leaving Matt to deal with the angry she-demon.

We both collapsed in the back yard, dirt sticking to both of our clothes because of the milk and batter. Josh took the edge of his shirt and attempted to wipe the dough from my forehead. It really didn't do anything but spread it around, but I appreciated the effort anyways. 

We stayed there for about an hour in silence. I liked that--the fact that I had found someone who I could just be with without feeling the pressure of conversation. Someone who understood and appreciated that words weren't needed to keep things from being awkward. No, the only thing that was necessary was an understanding between two people. 

Rain began to pour from the sky, and we finally stood up, letting the water wash off all the dried shit from our clothes and skin. 

It was a heavy sort of rain, one you usually only see in movies. The only time I had ever been caught in it was when I was younger, maybe ten, and Meg and I were waiting for my mom after school. Then, it had been annoying, but now I couldn't imagine anything better

The sound of a guitar and Matt's voice carried through the windows. We both took this as a sign that it was safe to go back inside and did. 

Josh covered my eyes with his hand jokingly and yelled out, "Everyone decent?" Before we stepped into the kitchen. 

Meg threw a cookie, now baked, at the wall next to his head, only half-jokingly. "I could ask you the same question. You were gone for a long time."

"To be fair, you did have a knife." I pointed out, now semi-conscious that my clothes were soaked through. You only ever felt wet once you took away the actual source of water. 

Josh grabbed his sweatshirt from where it had been hanging on the back of a chair and handed it to me. I waved it away, "Don't worry, I can just go change. You have extra clothes somewhere around here. I'll find them for you, yeah?"

He took one look at Meg, who raised an eyebrow at him, and nodded. "I'm coming with you, though," he leaned in a faux-whispered, "she's scaring me a little."

Meg and I shared a look, both of us rolling our eyes at his antics. 

I found a pair of Josh's jeans thrown in the corner of my room, as well as a tee shirt of his I had been using to sleep in. We both changed into the dry clothes and I put my hair into two braids. Josh grinned when he saw them, flicking them affectionately. 

I wrinkled my nose at him jokingly. We went back into the kitchen, where Meg was reaching for another cookie. Sliding into a chair, I told her, "We almost put bleach in those, you know."

Covering her mouth, she ran over to the trash can and spit the cookie into it. Matt just shrugged and grabbed another. "You're going to die. I hope you die." Meg shook her head at him, sitting back down. "How could you 'almost' put bleach in them?"

Josh explained the whole bottle incident. Meg frowned, waving her hands at the floor, which Matt had cleaned up. "So that's what happened here?" We both nodded. "This is why I'm worried for your futures. More specifically, for any children you'll have."

"Please," Josh scoffed, crossing his arms. "Any kids of ours would be perfect. Great musician, beautiful, just absolutely everything. And at least we'd have kids."

I poked his arm lightly. "Are we really talking about this right now?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure we are."

"Then I might as well point out that Matt and Meg are dating now."

Matt grinned, "I would be the best father."

Meg shook her head, Josh made an iffy sign with his hand, and I said, "Keep trying."

We were such good friends, obviously.

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