But I Can Guarantee

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Plotted out by the amazing and wonderful Hail-In-April, whose fanfiction is amazing and will HOPEFULLY be updated very soon? 

Also, like 2000 words be proud. 

. one week into tour .


"Dude, can you go see if Josh is coming yet? The next show starts in half an hour and he still hasn't gotten off that goddamn phone. I bet he couldn't survive without it." Matt complained, throwing the strap for his guitar around his neck. "I mean, I know he's talking to Collin but come on! We didn't sign him up for the dating sight just so he'd abandon us."

I tapped my drumsticks against my leg, tapping out the rhythm for the song Josh had been showing us a few days earlier. He hadn't gotten the lyrics quite ready, yet, but the instrumental was almost perfect. A lot of highs and lows and dramatic cuts, it was sort of a modern Bohemian Rhapsody, and I could tell he was proud of it. We'd been trying to fine tune some of the music when Josh's phone had pinged will another text and he'd scrambled off. 

"I don't know," I said hesitantly, my hands beginning to play a faster rhythm. Mike disappeared into Josh's part of the bus, leaving Matt and I alone. "He seems really happy, Matt. Don't you remember how he was before?"

 "Hey, don't even think I would want to see him like that again! You don't get it, do you. Only Meg-"

The sticks quieted instantly. "Meg?" I asked, not able to hold back a teasing grin. "What's going on between you and-"

"Has anyone seen my phone?" Josh walked into the room, buttoning the last part of his shirt and adjusting the collar. "I just went to the bathroom to get changed and now it's gone."

Mike appeared behind him with a ghost of a smile on his lips, telling me quite plainly that he knew the answer to that question. 

Matt gave him a bored no, strumming a few notes. His head was bowed to hide his expression, but I was close enough to see it. So he had caught onto the scheme, too. I couldn't help but wonder, as everyone settled down (reluctantly, in Josh's case) to play, how Josh would react when he found out. 

. six weeks into tour - back in vancouver .


"I'm sure it's fine," I watched Collin anxiously as she paced back and forth, not even glancing at the pile of cookies on the table. "He probably just lost his phone, is all. Or is busy! He's on tour, you remember. You're supposed to be busy too-"

"I finished everything early." She didn't pause her continuing motion. Step, step, step, turn. Step, step, step, stop. Pause, breath. Turn. Step, step, step, stop. 

I nodded, the gingersnaps I made a week ago crumbling in my fist. I hadn't been able to be very attentive to any other matters, even the most important ones, so these were the last batch I had made. Fine, seeing as how Collin hadn't even touched them. If I was wagering correctly, she'd lost weight since the first two weeks. Even when she stopped sending him texts, she still was stressed. 

"I was going to say that, too. Collin, if you could please just sit and tell me why this is such a big deal. You've gone a bit without talking before, right? There are always spats."

Turn, step, step, right up to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, shoulders shaking. It's funny how much someone's tears could resemble laughter. "I told him," Collin admitted. "I told him that I loved him, and he said it back. Why would he just say it back?"

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