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The summer's late afternoon wind blew through my hair as John pushed me back and forward on the swing. The happy screams of children running around the park stung my ear and I looked down.
I didn't have friends. I only had John. We got along well, considering the fact that he was three years older than me. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. We were not only siblings, but best mates. He had real friends but he always chose me over them.
Up to that point I had been so depressed that I had been slicing my arms up. It annoyed John. I was so insecure about myself, I thought that the pain would mollify all of the pain. The pain of being a loser. The pain of being different.
But today was supposed to be happy. The day I finally became a teen. So much for that. It was better, I guess than usual. Only four threat locker notes and I only got beat up once. But not even John knew about my everyday school life.
My parents thought I was mental, but couldn't afford any therapy so they let me be. I was raised by John. Even Harriet hated me.
But today had to be positive. I had to turn 13 with a smile, or at least try. John said he was going to take me out. He didn't say where, but said that he would. Mom and dad for some reason agreed. They trusted him but I bet if I was going alone, they'd think I was getting drunk or something.
"I'll be right back Iz I'm going to get the car." John said and ran off. I was alone at the neighborhood park. All the children must have left when I zoned out. Great.
A large group of Bucky teenage boys approached me and giggled. Recognizing them from my school, I stood up and started walking away but they chased after me. One grabbed my shoulders and forced me to turn around. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.
"Well let's see if it's possible to break the Warrior girl." He exclaimed and his friends erupted into laughter.
I backed away and he pulled me in and kissed me on the lips. I tried to back away but he had his hands down forcefully on my waist. I was frozen in fear when I decided to make my move.
I clenched my hand into a fist and punched him in the nose.
A loud crack sound came and he let me go and I ran, but his friend jumped on me. One sat on my leg and the other held down my arms. The boy whose nose I broke pulled out a switchblade. He slid it down my face slowly creating a large gash from bellow my eye to my chin. Then he struck the blade across my other cheek. I winced but he took the blade off and began slicing up at my right leg. Then I heard a car horn and the boys ran off and I was pulled to my feet.
My vision had gone blurry but I didn't mind much. I was good with pain. I was thrown into the seat, buckled and the car pulled into motion.
"Nothing ok. I'll tell you later can I please try and enjoy the rest of my birthday. I just........" I started, calmly.
"Oh. You think I'm still going to take you out! Heck no Is!"
I looked him in the eye and said, "Please. I want to forget. Please John." He groaned but agreed.
We pulled into the drive way of a movie theater ten minutes from our house. I smiled. It had been forever since I had seen a movie and I'd always enjoyed going. John opened the door for me and I got out, taking his hand. Yes people stared, I mean it looked like I was crying tears but I didn't care. I was with my brother, he'd protect me, he'd keep me safe from the predators. From the strangers.
The theater was dark, but I was the only one who didn't scream as the lights dimed. In fact, I laughed.
Half way through, John said he had left to go to the Bathroom but fourty minutes so concerned , I got up and began looking around outside the theater.
It was late and night now and I was about to give up when I saw figures moving in the car. Johns car.
It was John. He was in the front of the car kissing a girl. He had ditched me.
I kicked the car, getting her off him and ran off hearing John calling me saying it was just a mistake. But I kept going.
By the time I had ran out of breath, I was back at the neighborhood park. Tears stung my eyes and I just layer on the ground sobbing.
I was pulled to my feet by a force and stuffed in the back of a car. I looked around and screamed. I was being kidnaped. I jumped out of the car when I was pulled up and gaged.
I was stuffed into the car and we zoomed away.
(End of preface)
It gets better! I swear! Thanks for reading!!!!! Please comment what you think!

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