Chapter 15: On Trial is.......... Sherlock?

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Chapter 15:

(Isabelle's POV)

"Do you, Sherlock Holmes, swear to tell the truth and noting but the truth so....."

"Yes. Whatever. I swear." Sherlock replied looking up at the judge.

I sat next to John, my hand placed firmly in his as we watched Sherlock's interview.

And I was next.

Sherlock was about to figure out about the child.

I looked down at my stomach. So far wearing baggy clothes has hid the two months in bump.

What would he do?

What would he say?

I zoned out thinking, worrying about him and when I was back into reality, I heard, "Isabelle Watson."

I carefully made my way up to the stand and swore to tell the truth.

"So, Isabelle, what is your relationship to Jim?"

"Erm..... he was my ..... tenth.... no eleventh master, or person to buy me on the black market and he was the kindest I guess.

"I mean, he never beat me or used me as a servant, but he did experiment on me a little but mostly he just kept me in a cage and......"

"What kind of experiments?" The judge asked glaring down at me. I sealed my mouth and looked down at my feet, then up at Jim.

"Medication sometimes. But he was mostly trying to......"

"To what? What did he do to you?"

I took a deep breath and looked at John, tears in my eyes.

"Jim.... James Moriarty is a awful man. He wanted to use me to get to John, which would get to Sherlock. And it worked, especially at the pool. There he injected me with poison, a thing he often did but cured out of me at the last minute in his lab. But sometimes, he'd knock me out for a certain type of test."

"What kind of test Isabelle?" The judge demanded, his tone softening.

"I will only say if the reporters leave!" I demanded, tears rapidly falling as the Cameras left the room.

"Ok Isabelle now tell me."

I looked at John.

"He was..... He did. He was trying to get me pregnant. He was injecting me with...... and it worked." He stood up and irruption even without the press erupted. I looked at the judge with pleading eyes and he nodded at me, excusing me from the room.

I ran into the bathroom where I rapidly wiped my eyes. I could here his voice taunting me inside my head.

'You are weak'






What if the baby turns out like him?

No. I would raise MY child right. I would raise my baby rightfully.

My phone beeped and I answered.


'Hey. I get one call right?'

I laughed at Sherlock and leaned against the wall.

'Right. So you're not mad?'

'Mad? Why would I be mad?'

Moriarty didn't tell him.

That little b.......

'I erm... the trial. I spoke.'

'Love. I told you not to. Are you ok?'

'I'm a little shaken up. But I'm fine.'

I sniffled and Sherlock groaned.

'No you're not. Now John's coming. I'll see you in a second. Goodbye Love.'

I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

I texted John.

'Um..... I'm going to the hospital to get an Ultra-Sound.




'Fine. Just don't tell him....


'Not planning on it.


I groaned and texted Molly.

'Um... this is kind of ackward but I need help.


'What do you need?

X, Molly'

'Do you..... by any chance, do ultra-sounds?


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