Chapter 03: The Cursed Beeping

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Hi!!!! So another chapter! Yay! So this chapter will be LONG taking at least two POV's (Sherlock and John). It will start with John at the hospital with Isabelle. Here I go!

Chapter 03:

(John's POV)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The steady beat had been going on for an hour.

The hospital have her a blood transfusion, an Saline IV, and some random shots for a bunch of illnesses and stuff.

I hadn't been able to see her for the first four hours that she was here. It was 1am now and the nurses were getting her ready to go home.

According to them, she could go to the flat but she had to be on two IV's one in each arms (one with blood, the other Saline) for a week and if she didn't regain consciousness in four days as well as having a heart rate monitor on her.

The hospital agreed to drive us home. They were currently packing up everything for me and just getting the list of all of the things I have to do for her this week was overwhelming!

I just hoped Sherlock would be ok with all of this........

(Sherlock's POV. Thirty minutes after Joh left)

A knock came pounding at the door. It was a light, delicate knock. I stood from the couch, adjusted my coat and walked to the door.

I opened it up and smiled.

"Hello Molly. C'mon in." She smiled and walked inside. I gestured to upstairs and she hung her coat up and walked up the stairs. I followed behind her.

"Have a seat Molly. Make yourself comfortable." I said.

"Ok." She sat on the couch. I sat across from her on John's chair. She smiled at me. She was wearing a sweater over a long sleeve button up shirt. She looked worried (and you could tell as she was twiddling with her thumbs).

"Molly everything's going to be ok."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because John hasn't called me to assure of her death yet. Don't worry Molly."

"I'm not worried it's just............. How could you tell?"

"Do you really need to ask?"

Before Molly could answer, a knock came at the door.

"COME IN WHOEVER IT IS!" I hollered.

The door slammed and four people walked up the stairs.

"Sherlock! How are you?! Have you heard from John?!" Mrs. Hudson. One.

"No Mrs.Hudson. Who are all of the other people on their way up?"

"Oh Anderson and Sally and Lestrade."



(John's POV. Current time.)

"So let me get this straight. I leave to go to the hospital of my dying sister and return to YOU Sherlock having party?!"

The hospital had moved Isabelle and all of her stuff into the living room just ten seconds ago.

"It's not a party. Anderson's here." Sherlock replied and Lestarde broke into laughter.

There was now a crowd around Isabelle.

"Poor girl. What did she ever do to anyone?" Sally asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen or talked to her in almost ten years." I replied, "She was kidnapped on the day of her 13th birthday."

"Almost ten years........then it must have been some sort of black market system." Sherlock said.

"Not now. Later I'd love to find out what happened to her Sherlock but not now." I said. Sherlock nodded and looked away.

We all stood there in silence for a little. Listening to the beeping of the HRM (heart rate monitor).

Then Anderson said,"So you've had two sisters all along?"


"Ones a drunk and the others a black market victim?"

"Apparently Yes Anderson." I replied. He started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing it's just.......she's really hot."

Everyone but me, Sherlock, and Molly bursted out into laughter.

"That's it out! All of you! It's getting late! I actually want to sleep. Goodbye and Sweet dreams." I walked everyone to the door. Anderson peered out and said,"Does that mean I have your blessing?" I slammed the door on his face and went up the stairs.

My phone buzzed.

It was a text from Molly.

"Ignore him. He's just trying to cheer everyone up. Look if you or Sherlock need an escape, come to Barts.

- Molly"

I liked Molly. She was real nice.

I reached the top of the stairs to see Sherlock already in reading position.

"I'm going to sleep. You are on Isabelle duty. If her one of her IV bags runs out, fill it back up and if she wakes up......."

"I know. Goodnight John."

I nodded and headed off to bed.

(Sherlock's POV)

I heard a moan and looked to Isabelle. She was deadly still. I got up to change books and she was sitting across from me in John's chair when I got back.

"What are you........"

"Ugh. I'm still in this horrid dress. You'd be surprised how hard it is to move around not one but two IV stands. What were you reading?"

"Nothing. You won't find it interesting."

"How do you know? I don't even know what I'm interested in. Oh well. Do you have internet or a laptop or........"

"Yes but why? You're sick....."

"Well I'm bored of sitting around. Come cheek bones! There has to be something we can do. Or are you just afraid that I'll pass out or something? I can assure you that I am fine. I just need to get these needles out of my arms."

"You were just........."

"Maybe. Now. C'mon give the dead girl a way to beat her boredom."

"Well maybe tomorrow but........." She shot me a look and I caved in.

"Fine. What do you want to do?"

"I want to hear you play."


"The violin." She replied gesturing to the interment.

"How did you know I........"

"John isn't the kind of person who would play that interment so that leaves you." Wow.

"Hm. Ok. What do you want to hear?" I pulled my stand over and grabbed my Violin.

"I don't know. Anything. You compose don't you?" She said pointing to the sheet music, "I bet it helps you think."

"And how'd you know that?" I sneered.

"I guessed." She smiled. It was a weak smile. She didn't feel well. I felt a bit of disappointment and wished I could make her face less pale of take away the pain in her eyes.

What started with a single song

turned into a dozen and by the time I was done it was eight in the morning.

(Chapter End)

Ok so sortta long and real boring. It's a filler :)


Ok! Thanks for reading and tell me what you think in the comments.

Starting next update now!

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