Chapter 13: Pregnant?

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(Two weeks later, After Adler and Baskerville Case).

Chapter 13:

(Sherlock's POV)

I woke up to the noise of someone vomiting and sure enough, when I got up to see what was going on, I found John holding up Izzy's hair as she leaned into the toilet.

For the fifth time this week, Isabelle has woken up throwing up.

I peered into the room, asking John if I could help but he shooed me out of the room and told me to make some tea or something.

Several minutes later when I was half way done making the oatmeal I found in the pantry, John came out of the room, his sister behind him.

Isabelle looked like a mess.

Big bags dropped under her eyes, her face, paler than usual, then there was the fact that she was dressed in a huge, baggy sweater and sweats.

Isabelle tugged at her high ponytail as she sat down on the couch and flashed me a weak smile.

"Isabelle..... I think we should take you to a Doctor. Are you sure everything's ok?" John spoke as he took my place in the kitchen, seeing as I was burning the food.

"Nah. I'm fine. I probably got the flu or something!" Isabelle flew herself off the couch and ran down the stairs, "IM GOING TO THE STORE! BE BACK SOON!" She Hollered up at us.

"Isabelle I will....." I called after her, not wanting her to go alone in her condition.

"NO!" She replied and I heard the door shut.

John laughed as he stirred the pan and I went to get my violin.

"What's wrong with her, do you think? She claims to be sick but runs out to the store anyway. What's up with that?" John asked and I giggled a little as I plucked a few strings.

"Females, John. We shall never understand them."

(Isabelle's POV)

" Please. This can't be happening please!"

I looked in front of me at the plus sign.

This has to be I lie. I had never in my life.............

I threw the test away and walked back up to the cashier.

"Can I buy another........"

"Give it up. How many times have you taken it?"

"Like ten."

"Not one negative?"

"No." The man laughed and me and I looked down at my feet.

"Congratulations. Now here are your groceries. Good bye." He handed me the bag and I was off on my way.

I was at a cafe when I got a text from Sherlock.

'Hey. Are you ok?


'Yeah........ I'm just eatting my own weight in food at this cafe.


'Which one? I'll come find you.


'Um..... The one bellow the flat. And hurry Sherlock, I have something to tell........ Nvm.


"What did you want to say?" Sherlock spoke and I jumped, surprised to see him in front of me.

It was then when I remembered what happened.

It was then when I decided I couldn't tell him.

"So erm........I went to the doctor because I am late, and morning sickness is a symptom, and I know hat we didn't do anything, but I wanted to be sure. He said I'm fine. It's just a small bug." I lied, the guilt crushing me on the inside.

I didn't want to tell him the truth. I was afraid.

I looked down at my stomach, running it gently, but not enough to make it obvious for Sherlock.

"Oh. Well that's good." He replied giving me a small smile.

"I guess so....."

What would I do when I got....... bigger?

What would happen when it was time for me to give birth?

And his..... His child. What would Sherlock do to it?

Why are you call 'it' it?

You need names.

Sherlock for a boy. Sherlock James Watson. No doubts. No questions

For a Johanna? It has John in it. Johanna Rose Watson.

"Isabelle. I asked you a question." Sherlock spoke waving his hands in front of my face.

"Hm..... I'm sorry what?"

"Well now that I'm back to me, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to a bar or......"

"NO!" I yelled a little to loudly. "No bars."

"Ok...... Ok...... a pastry shop then? I know a great place downtown where....."

"Sounds lovely. Tomorrow afternoon?" I asked, trying to rush the conversation to an end, as I grew nauseous.

"I was thinking now actually......"

"Sorry Sherlock, I can't. I have plans with a friend from that audition John made me do. We are going shopping and you know the saying, sisters before misters." I lied again.

Gosh I'm an awful person.

"Oh." Sherlock spoke a bit disappointed, "It's ok. I've..... Got a case anyway." He lied.

"But Sherlock....."


"If we ever.......... when we make it that far, would you ever want........"

"I don't know. Got to go. Bye." He spoke without even saying an answer and took off.

I felt guilt in lying to him, but I had to find the BIGGEST clothes possible so that once I grew larger, it would go unnoticeable.

Yet I knew that still wouldn't be enough.

So what would I do?

(Chapter End)



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