Chapter 09: 21 Guns

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Ok! I'm considering some ships for this story besides (possibly) Isabelle and Sherlock.

John and Mary is inevitable. It's going to happen in the next book or near the end of this one.

But who else....


Anyhow! Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it and guess what?!?! This story may be in a contest! Yay!

Ok so here I go. Enjoy. I'm hoping to have Isabelle mostly tell this chapter so if she irritates you or something I'm sorry!!!

Chapter 09:

(Isabelle's POV)

My nightmares have haunted me. The nightmares of my masters.

They corner me at the end of roof or sometimes at the edge of a lake.

But this time, it wasn't a master.

It was Sherlock.

I stood on the edge of a roof, my hands cuffed together.

A gun was pressed to my back.

I looked behind me and a tear fell from my eye.

"Sherlock........I...I don't understand."

"You do. Your the one who let me deduce you. I'm just doing this for John's sake."

I started to cry. Not just like shed tears but like sob cry.

"Caring is not a good thing. You've lost so much. Your pride. Your dignity. Your youth and you've even lost yourself. Yet you still care. How?"

I looked up at him, "You. You and John....but mostly you." I blushed at reached up to wipe a tear from my eye when I saw Sherlock. His face was frozen and his mouth slightly opened.

I stepped off the edge and reached up to stoke his cheek when he slapped me hard across the face. Hard. Hard enough to make me stumble and fall on my face. I stood up and glared at him.

"I don't feel. Now are you going to jump or am I going to have to....." Sherlock started. He was interrupted by my lips on his. I kissed his forehead and ran off the edge.

I woke up panting and drenched in sweat.

Why Sherlock? Usually it's Jim but tonight....... why? I don't understand...

I looked at the TV screen and realized I left the Netflix on when I saw nine and Rose kissing. I shut the TV off quickly and whispered to myself, "Um...No spoilers!"

That's when I heard a mumble from down the hall, "Isabelle........Isabelle...."

I stood up and walked down the hall. My blanket wrapped around my body.


I peeked into John's room when I saw him crashed out on his bed so I knew it wasn't him.

I walked into Sherlock's room and couldn't find him.

"Sherlock?" I asked looking around.

"I fell on the ground."

"Ok and you wanted to come and complain to me?" I asked running my eyes.

"No. I need help up." I groaned and picked him up letting him fall on the bed.

"There. Night Sherlock." I was about to leave when Sherlock grabbed my arm.

"Wait.... can you stay?" He asked.

"Are you drunk?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Not like that. Like could you tell me like a story or something."

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