Chapter 18: What If I'm Not Alive?

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Chapter 18:

(Sherlock's POV)

I draped a blanket over Isabelle's shaking body and wiped the tears off her eyes. She threw her arms around me and sobbed into my chest.

"Shhhh...... Isabelle. You are in shock." I looked over at the kids lying on the stretchers and frowned."They are going to be fine. I promise you. They will be fine."

We were back in the back of Lestrade's cop car and Isabelle looked sick.

"So the baby...."

She wined and I squeezed her shoulders.

"It's a girl." She announced, her voice in a strong sob.

"A girl? I have a daughter?"

She whined.

"Y....Yes. You have a daughter. Johanna Rose Holmes."

"You named her without me?"

"You don't like it?"

"I love it. Almost more than I love you." I placed a small kiss on her lips then put one on her belly. "I just can't believe how big you are already."

"Watch it Holmes." She snapped, jokingly.

"Cool it Watson." I sassed back pushing her gently into my arms and kissing her neck.

But the tone for me quickly darkened.

Guilt fluttered inside me and I looked down, thinking of the worst.



"What if... What if I'm not alive.... you know. To protect and care for our baby?" She looked up at me and I gently stroked her swollen stomach.

"Why wouldn't you be?" She spoke scooting away from me into the other seat across from me.

She looked hurt.... crushed....


But most of all, she looked utterly terrified.

"I could get hurt on a case." I lied. "Being a detective is dangerous."

"Sherlock. That's not what's going on is it?" I saw tears fall from her eyes and she looked at her stomach. "Sherlock....tell me. Please."

I wanted to tell her, that I was going to die soon and that there was nothing she could do about it. Or that I had to leave in order to save her and everyone I loved, but perhaps what I wanted to do most was to tell her that it was coming soon. I had a week at most and tonight at least until it was coming, My suicide, and that I loved her, so much more than anything.

I instead spoke, "I'm just scared love. For our family." Tears streamed down from her face and she threw her arms around me.

"Don't be Sherlock. Everything is going to be fine." She gently brushed her lips onto mine. I kissed her back, gently and stroked her hair and soon, she fell sound asleep in my arms.

We arrived at 221B twenty minutes later and I carried Isabelle to my bedroom and set her down on my bed. Kissing her forehead, I left to the hospital to check on the kids.

(Isabelle's POV)

He bought it.

And I mean.... we didn't even sex........

How did he buy it?

Or did he not and question it all the same? Or did we.....

I awoke pondering and pacing around the flat.

Where did he go? I have to tell him the truth.

Pulling out my phone, I texted, 'My love, where are you? IW'

No response. Sherlock always texts back.

Something is wrong......


"OOOO.. I see! So now you believe them! You believe Anderson!"

"Sherlock... stop it now!"

I stormed into the room, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" The boys eyes fell on me and I stroked my stomach. Now that my pregnancy wasn't a secret, I wore regular clothes so my bump was now noticeable.

"You are that far along?" John exclaimed, sighing and sitting on the couch.

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Yeah. Four months. Nearly five.." I sat next to him and turned to Sherlock, "Now don't change the subject! What are you two bitching about?!"

John widened his eyes, "LANGUAGE!"


Sherlock spoke, changing the subject, "I've been accused of kidnaping the Children and the cops are going to be here any minute."

"THAT'S CRAP!" I snarled standing up and pacing."WHAT THE......They have NO evidence."

"Well children did scream at him. That's pretty hard core evidence." John replied, returning to his laptop. Probably blogging about this stupid mistake.

I'm going to kill Greg. But I'm going to start with Sally.

Stab her with a cutting knife. Burn the body in the fire place.

Then I'll call Anderson. Invite him over to dinner. Slip some arsenic into his glass. Call Greg crying.

Then when he gets here. I'll shoot him. Run out and scream, "THE KILLER IS STILL IN THERE."

And they'd buy it.

If not, then at least I could go to jail with Sherlock.

What was I thinking? I'm hoping it's just hormones because if not....... I'm turning into Jim.

Then I'd kill myself.

Won't that be news?

Watson pregnant with Sherlock's child kill three in his honor then murders self.

I'd get a wining article in the paper!!!

"Isabelle?" Sherlocks voice cooed.

"EARTH TO ISABELLE!" John screeched and I came back to reality.

I sighed,"Sorry for having a brain and thinking of an escape out of this!" I Hollered, winking at Sherlock.

"And that is?" John spoke looking up from his computer.

"Killing some cops all bad ass."


"I AM 25!"

"Shut up the two of you!" Sherlock snapped and I sat down on the couch and Sherlock joined me, "Just shut up so I can think." He stroked my shoulder and I could tell that's what eased his tension so he could go to his mind palace.

'Think. Hurry before they get here.'

But it was too late.......

(Chapter End)

Almost to the end of the book, then soon will come the sequel.

YAY! thanks for reading

Love y'all

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