Chapter 07: Presses Lies

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Hi! So I haven't updated in a week so here I go!!!!:)

Chapter 07:

(Sherlock's POV)

The two men gestured to the couch and me and Isabelle sat down.

She started laughing and I did to.

(Isabelle's POV)

John walked in and glared at us. A moment of Silence fell and suddenly in unison, Sherlock and I died of laughter and John groaned.

"He forgot pants again didn't he?!" John moaned.

"I didn't forget this time John." Sherlock replied between a laugh.

"Did you......." John started.

"Ew." Sherlock said with a sneer on his face. "Isabelle............" He started and I interrupted.

"He's just a friend." I spoke quickly and Sherlock laughed.

"I don't have friends."He snarled.

"Really. Then what do have?" I sassed, glaring at him.

He laughed as if I was telling a joke, "I have wifi."

"No human friends?" I snarled at him.

"I have my skull."

"Nah Mrs.Hudson took it again." I groaned gesturing for John to sit down as I stood up. John nodded and sat.

"Where are we, Sherlock? And why?" John asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know John." He replied.

"Buckingham Palace. Yes Sherlock?" I asked leaning against the couch.

"I believe so." He replied.

"Are we here to see the queen?" John asked.

A man in a tux came in accompanied by two men behind him and Sherlock and John died of laughter.

"Apparently so John." The two laughed.

"You'll have to excuse them, sir. Neither one of my boys quite know how to behave yet. This one is still going through manners." I spoke pointing to Sherlock.

The head man approached me and nodded. He grabbed my hand and kissed the knuckles.

"You must be Isabelle. I've heard so much about you. Well not heard necessarily. I guess researched is a better word." He said. I backed away, a tad bit worried.

"At least you're no lier....... Mr........." I replied.

"I'm Mycroft. Also known as Sherlock's arch enemy, according to him." He sneered at Sherlock.

"Oh Brother dear it is good to seer you." Sherlock sassed.

Mycroft frowned, "John did you let him forget his pants again."

"Nah. I wasn't home." John replied.


"Yes yes. Mycroft and I are brothers. Gosh your mundane brains are slow." Sherlock groaned at me. He glanced at me, snickered and glanced away.

I wined, "Manners. C'mon you clever boy. I know you have some. That's your new nickname. Clever Boy." I smiled. He frowned.

"What use is manners, Isabelle, if I don't have any friends?" He snarled.

"Look Sherlock, we can bicker about this later. Mycroft must have brought us here for a reason. Please. Do tell." I smiled at Mycroft.

"I have a case......." He started.

Sherlock interrupted, "Nope. Have one already. Does this mean we can go then? Well nice meeting you random gents. Send the best to your employer."

One of the men spoke up, "He hasn't had a chance to speak of my employer. Nor the large amount of pounds............."

"We don't want pounds. Tell your employer that. Now if you don't mind I'm taking us all home. Would you like to come over Mycroft? Mrs.Hudson could prepare us some tea and biscuits........." Sherlock started.

Mycroft quickly interrupted, "You'll want to take this case brother dear. It's quite interesting."

"Now then brother dear. Try and impress me." Sherlock gestured to a chair across the room and Mycroft sat down in the chair and the man in the chair next to him. The other went and stood guard by the door.

The other man began speaking and explained his story:

"My..........our, well me and Mycroft's employer, well.....a young person whom they are associated with....well.........." The man started.

"Well.......... There's a women. Have any of you seen this women?"He passed around a photo of a women in a black dress her haired tied in a bun.

We all had never seen her.

"Her name is Irene Adler. There are many words for what she does... but it's a long story. Sherlock just read this."

He handed Sherlock a tablet and he read is excitedly.

"No no. Mycroft. The answer is no. Now I'm going to leave." He stood up and walked towards the door. Mycroft stepped on his sheet and it fell down. I turned away and John groaned.

"You are in a place of the highest authority now FOR GOODNESS SAKES! Put some pants on!"

He groaned and grabbed the clothes.

While Sherlock was getting dressed, Mycroft came to talk to me.

" aren't Sherlock's girlfriend."

"No. Why would you think that?!"

"I'm not surprised. Newspapers lie a lot."

"I'm sorry.......what?!"

Mycroft laughed and handed me a new addition of the newspaper.

The main article was titled, "Our Famous Consultant Detective Engaged? Seen Driving Home a Women With a Ring on Her Finger.

I groaned and threw it in the fire.

"Not his girlfriend Mycroft. No need to give me 'the talk'." He giggled.

"It's just the way he looks at you."

"I'm sorry.... what?"

He smiled, "He looked at you as if you were a fragile doll. Destined to break. He doesn't look at anyone else like that. Not even John." I laughed.

What he was saying couldn't be true. Sherlock couldn't stand me and I knew it.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

I wanted to savor the moment of me believing that he was in love with me.

(Chapter End)

OMG OVER 100 READS! I'm crying. Real happy tears. Thank you so much!!! You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Thank you for reading and I will update again soon!

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