Chapter 19: Hostage

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Chapter  19: Hostage

(Isabelle's POV)

"You all are just a bunch of dumb asses! Why on Earth would Sherlock Holmes kidnap two innocent kids!?" I snapped at the cops invading our flat as they shoved Sherlock down the stairs in handcuffs. Besides me, John paced the room, stressed.

"Look Ms.Watson. I can understand why you wouldn't want your baby's father...."

"SHERLOCK HOLMES IS NOT THE BABY'S FATHER!" John and I spat in unison. I laughed, "Idgits! The whole lot of them! And you call yourself cops!" I sat down on the couch in anger and rolled my eyes.

"Look we just need to get a questioning Ms.Watson. It will not take long and if he is proven to be innocent, he'll be brought back to you in the morning..." I laughed darkly, "You want an alibi? Fine. How about this for an alibi? Sherlock freaking Holmes has been with me for the past month, never leaving my side. There's an ailbi you asshole." I snapped.

"That is an asult of a cop and unless you don't want-"

I laughed inturupting him, "Oh, that's asult?! Really?! Sherlock Holmes has done nothing but your job and you are acusing him of nearly murding two kids? That's asult! So if you're going to take him you bet your ass you are hauling three more in too! Right John?" I turned to my brother who opened his mouth to speek, unfortonatly, I'd grown tired of waiting.

I socked that cop square in the jaw and went after Sally too.

"Don't worry Is." Sherlock reassured me as we got our handcuffs on. "I'll get the three of us out."

"Make that four." John spoke as he was cuffed as well. "Isabelle was this really necassary?"

"Yes. I have a plan!" I replied, rolling my eyes. Sherlock let a burst of laughter escape his mouth and turned to me, pleasure in his eyes. "What's so funny!?"

"Your plans never quite work love."

"Well thanks for the support." I scoffed as he kissed me lightly on the cheek, John's eyes widened in a confused manner and then he looked away shaking his head.

"Listen. You two don't do anything and when I say run, you go. Clear?" I rolled my eyes but nodded slightly, adrenaline rushing through my body. 

"Ay Ay captain. " I muttered, "As long as this baby get born in prison I will be happier than ever. " ' John patted my back before he was restrained as well. Then the cops cleared out, giving Sherlock time to whisper in my ear.

"You see the keys and gun right?" He asked, "On your left?" I nodded and reached for it as sneakily as possible and snuck it into Sherlock's hand. Quickly he undid his handcuffs and grabbed the gun instantly pointing it at one of the men.

"Alright everyone drop there weapons." He yelled, "You heard me. I said DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" The cops quickly complied and Sherlock grabbed me with one hand and John with the other. "Now you are going to let me leave with these um...."

"Hostages" I whispered in his ear.

"HOSTAGES! Right that bloody works!" Sherlock spoke quickly, "You may pick up your weapons when I demand and only when I demand, is that clear?" No one responded and he shot the gun in the air twice, causing gasps to arouse as we slowly backed up, "IS.THAT.CLEAR!" I heard a chuckle as Sherlock pushed me into my brothers arms who lifted me up.

And I could've sworn I saw a smirk on Lestrades face as we ran away.

(Chapter End)



I love this book. Can't wait for the sequel.

Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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