Chapter 02: Bleeding Out

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Chapter 02:

(Sherlocks POV)

This is it. I've won. I beat the bomber.

I ran out of 221 in a jig. I decided that I wanted to walk. The longer it took for me to get to the pool, the more I could celebrate in my head.

I was looking around when someone pinned me to the ground.

"I'm so sorry. I'm kind of being chased. Are you hurt?" The voice asked. It was a girl.

She had chocolate brown hair, a pale white face, rosy checks, and bright light blue eyes.

She was wearing a torn red silk dark, blood red sweetheart strapless dress. Up to her thigh, the dress seemed cut in straight lines. Her face and deep gashes all over it. Her could see cut marks. From her shoulders, you could see the starting marks from being whipped and beaten.

"I. Am. Fine. But your still on me." I muttered. She laughed and stood up. That's when I noticed it. The bomb.

"Ummmm. Ms........"



"I'm Isabelle Clarice Watson. Nice to meet you!" She held out her hand and I pushed it down. I reached up to undo the bomb vest but she grabbed my hand and smiled.

"No. John........... my brother. It'll be him if it's not me."


"Yeah. My big brother." A tear slipped from her eye and she looked at me. "Shoot! I have to run! See you!" Men ran up towards us and she ran across the street.

"Isabelle! Wait!" I ran after her. She had gotten a head start but I was quick. I she ran into a building and I paused in front of it.

It was the pool.

I heard a scream and ran in.

The man from the lab held a gun to Isabelle's head and dangled her over the water of the pool.

"Sherlock Holmes. Did you start to wonder if I was real?" The mans voice called.

"Sherlock...........Sherlock Holmes......"

"So you've heard of me?" I said looking at Isabelle. She looked in pain. In utter shock.

"SHUT UP! YOU DONT GET TO TALK!" He lowered her closer to the edge and she winced and nodded.

"Now, Sherlock. This is between you and me." He looked at me and smiled.

"Why her then? Why bring this stranger into it? What does she have to do with it?"

"She is your beloved John's sister. She will die if I shoot her or die killing all of us if I drop her. It could have been another random person but I wanted it to be a tad personal." He smirked at me.

"Who. Are. You?" I asked.

"I'm Jim Moriarty. Hiiiiii!"

"Why are you targeting London? People could die."

"That's what people DO! As for why.....Well...."

"Of course! Your a proper genius too!"

"I'm sorry. Proper Genius? What's that........" Jim kissed Isabelle's cheek and pulled her close to him. She shed a tear and winced.

"It means a sexy, smart, and a show off love. Now SHUT UP!" Jim snarled at Isabelle. She let out a sob and nodded.

"I have the missile plan." I pulled the flash drive from my pocket and waved it in the air. "All yours for the girl and another deactivated bomb as well as a promise to stay away from London." He held out his hand and I placed the flash drive in it. He kissed it and threw it into the pool. I looked at him laughing. He threw Isabelle at me and I looked at him. I caught her in my arms and held her as she left.

"Well goodbye then Sherlock. You'll be seeing more of me soon. As for that little witch. She's dead meat."

He left through an exit and I undid the bomb off Isabelle, throwing it aside.

"What did he mean.........."

"He injected me with something. Right here." She pointed at her wrist and I looked down.

"Poison! Hang on! I'm taking you to a doctor." I held her up and she moaned. I started carrying her. Running as fast as I could, but she go colder and her breathing slowed.

I ran into 221 B scream, "JOHN! JOHHNNN!" And I ran up the stairs. I threw her on the couch and John came out of his room.

"What on Earth.......Sherlock whose that?"

"Your sister." I knelt down and felt her forehead. It was hot.

"Sister........ Very funny Sherlock. That doesn't look like Harry...."

"NOT HARRY THE ORHER ONE NOW GET HERE AND HELP HER!" John looked at me and nodded. He knelt down beside me and asked,"What's wrong? What happened? Is she.........."

"Oh she's perfect, except for the fact she's dying. Poison. Moriarty poisoned her. By the judging of the smell......" I stuck my nose to her wrist and smelled it,"It's a type of snake venom."

"Well how do we clear it?!"

I closed my eyes and focused.

"I don't know."


"I. Don't. Know. Don't you?! You're the doctor!"

"Well I know one thing I could try. I just need you to leave."

"Ok. I'll go in my room. I'm going to call Molly." I walked across the hall and into my room.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Molly's number.


"Hi!'ve reached the voice box of Molly Hooper. Please leave a message! Bai!" I hung up and heard John.

"Sherlock.....Sherlock help..........." I dropped my phone and ran.

John's hands were drenched in blood. It was all over the floor. It would leave a stain on his shirt.

"I cut to deep Sherlock. It's out but I cut to much. She's......."

"Gonna be ok. Call 999! Hurry!" John nodded and got up slowly.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a rag.

I cut off the circulation to her gash and waited. I was to afraid to check her pulse because I knew it was either bit going to be there or it would be very weak. Then the paramedics ran up, put her body on a cast and ran her downstairs. I was to in shock to follow, but I watched John run down, with that scared look on his face.

I laid against the couch. I worried for John, his feelings but most importantly for his feeling of loss! I didn't want him to go through it. It would destroy him.

My phone randomly started buzzing and I answered.

"Hi Molly." I sighed into the phone.

"Hey.......are you ok? You sound horrid....."

"I'm fine. It's just......"

"I'm on my way."


"I'll call Greg and Mrs.Hudson. We can talk. Where's John?"

"With his dying sister."

"Was it.........."

"The bomber. Yes."

"Poor Harry!"

"It's not Harriet, Molly."


"It's a long story. Just get here. Talk to you later Molly."

"Ok. Bai!"

I hung up and started waiting.

(Chapter End)

Yes. Lame chapter. I'm sorry. Please comment and let me know what you think and or ideas!

Thanks for reading. It means ALOT to me.

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