Chapter 08: The Adler Women

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Thank you for reading!

Ok! Here I go.

I only own Isabelle! Every other character belongs to BBC and Steven Moffat. Enjoy!

Chapter 08:

(Isabelle's POV)

We had left in a hurry to retrieve the photos from Irene.

We sat in the cab, awkwardly sitting together when Sherlock told the cabbie to pull over and we all got out.

"Is this the street?" I asked.

"No. We are two blocks away but this will work perfectly." He replied removing his scarf and handing it to me without even looking me in the eye.

"John. I need you to punch me in the face."

"What?!" He asked in shock.

"You heard me. Punch me in the face." Sherlock said calmly gesturing to his nose.

"I......I......" John spoke in a whisper looking down. I took a deep breath and walked to Sherlock.

"This is for going from kind to snobbish." I said punching him in the nose. "And this is for being such a jerk. To everyone. Not just me. To........"

"Oh shut up Isabelle." Sherlock snarled.

That was the final blow for me.

I tackled Sherlock to the street and vigorously started punching him in the face.

"You. Little. A............" I started and John pulled me off of him.

"Isabelle breath. C'mon Isabelle." John said.

"I'm. Not. Apologizing." I sneered.

"I know. You don't have to." John starting saying, then whispered, "As a matter of fact, I'm happy you beat him up. He deserves it. You just beat him up enough. You kinda over did it. SHERLOCK! You need help up?!" He backed away from me as if he was scolding me.

He looked really bad. His nose and cheek were bleeding pretty badly and he had cuts bellow his left eye, under his lip and on his forehead.

Once on his feet I asked Sherlock, " Did I break anything?"

He stood away from me. "No." He sneered.

"Dang it. Not one bone?"

"Not one."

I smirked. "Good. Wouldn't want to ruin your face to much for that Adler Women." I looked at him and he smiled.

"Wait.............Izzy you just said you wished......." John started.

"Yes but.............."

"Then Isabelle realized that Adler would want me descant looking and so she changed her outlook. It happens to the best of us John." Sherlock snapped.

"Well c'mon then! Let's go meet Adler!" Sherlock grabbed my hand and started dragging me off. I laughed.

Two blocks later, we came to a large and wide white house.

"Ok Isabelle......and John of corse, I'm going to ring the doorbell. Stand behind me and don't be seen until you they open the door. Got it?"

"Yes. We've got it." John replied before I could sass something back. He pulled me back and I fell onto the staircase.


"Hi..I was just attacked. Me and my wife were just walking home when..... well they tried to mug her and I stopped them but they took our wallets and phones....could you please help me?" Sherlock spoke between fake tears.

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