Chapter 17: Hansel and Grettle

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Chapter 17:

(Isabelle's POV)

I winced in pain as a sharp pain shot from my lower stomach down. Lestrade looked at me and smiled.

John and Sherlock sat in front of the car, Lestrade and I in the back.

"You're pregnant aren't you?" Lestrade whispered in my ear. I gave him a small smile and nodded. "Sherlock's?"

"No. It's.. It's Moriarty's."


"When he... he bought me.. he would knock me out and always run tests on me. Then after a month, I'd take a pregnancy test. I guess... I guess it worked."

"But not......"

"I would never touch him sexually. It's against my terms as a women. None of that till marriage." I snarled. "I would have rather died."

Silence fell and Greg took my hand.

"We will all get though this."

*Time Laps: Finding the Children*

'Hurry up. They're dying.'

Lestarde groaned as he read the text and Sherlock flipped through his photos.



"WELL TRY HARDER!" I yelled, he eyed me and looked down.

I pulled out my phone and sent a text.

'Sherlock. If you solve this in five minutes, I will go on another date with you. If you solve in one minute, I will tell you my secret. Go my sociopath. Think.


'Anything for you love.


"I FOUND THEM!" Sherlock exclaimed showing the picture to Lestrade and we dashed to the cop car, several squads behind us.

I sat in a car with Anderson and Sally in the front, Sherlock and I in the back. I laid my head on his chest, and he put his arms around my stomach.

I felt the steady breathing patterns as the car speeded out of control and I found my own comfort patterns in it.

That's when I got my first kick.

Sherlock jumped and looked at me, his eyes wide.

"What was that?" He asked nervously.

"Me..... I... jumped....."

"Inside of your stomach?"

"...........Yes..... of corse I did. People can do that you know."

We sat in silence and as Anderson pulled into the parking lot, Sherlock turned to me and said, "Isabelle.... are you..."

"Haha. We are here! Off to find some kids! ALLONS-Y!" I yelled slamming the door and standing up.

"OH MY GOSH!" I head Sherlock scream from the car and I laughed a little catching up to Sally.

"What's he feeling out about?"

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that there's no wifi." I said with a smile, "You know he doesn't have friends. Just wifi."

Sally smirked as she pushed open the door and we split up.

The chocolate factory was dark and creepy. Cobwebs hung from the machines and floors creaked.

I heard nothing but silence until I heard, "THEY'RE STILL HERE!"

I whined and looked around more frantically.

I saw a shivering outline of a girl.

Unsure if she was real or not, I ran to her to see a small boy next to her.

I touch her arm and she quickly hugs me, sobbing into my shirt.

I felt sick.

I smelt the poison and I let her go.


(Chapter end.)

It's coming real soon readers.

The fall.

But don't be scared.

He's #NotDead.


So he figured out...... haha.....

What's he going to think when he learns it's JM's?

Is Izzy gonna tell him?


You will have to wait and see.

Love y'all! Thanks for reading!

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