Chapter 10: Auditions 1 and Dexter

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Chapter 10:

(Isabelle's POV)

Sherlock didn't wake up until way late that night.

And he was crankier than ever.

I was just minding my own business, watching the series 1 finale of Doctor Who sobbing my eyes out when he started snapping at me.

"This is so stupid Isabelle. I mean, it doesn't even seem real. Looking into the heart of a machine. Becoming all powerful. Then there's the fact he's an Alien. Alien's are not even real. You're so immature! C'mon. Why not watch something real or read or something useful."

"I've read for the past week. Shut up. I deserve a turn. Also just because your ticked because you didn't get in with Irene it doesn't mean you get to be crabby. Why don't you just go to bed?"

Sherlock snarled at me and stood up wobbling to the bed. Then John came and sat next to me.

"He's right Isabelle. The whole time you've been've either been reading, watching Doctor Who, or insulting Sherlock. This whole month Izzy. I mean you're becoming like a fangirl Isabelle. Why don't you go get a job? I mean you are quoting the show Iz!"

"Says you! All you do is run around with Sherlock and blog about it!"

"Well I don't want you to end up like me. Go out. Tomorrow morning. You are going to go and do something. I've already arranged it."


"No Isabelle. I wouldn't do that to you. It's the first day of an audition."

"An audition?! An audition for what?!" I snapped pausing the show and looking John in the eye.

"Oh it's for some American musical. You used to like singing....didn't you?" He replied and I nodded.

"Ok....What time?" I spoke looking at the TV.

"Eight A.M." He replied yawning.

"But it's 12 AM already!!!!!!" I moaned standing up and running into John's room jumping on the bed.

"Ok fine. You take my bed." John yelled at me from the couch, but I could hear him putting on "Dexter".

"C'mon John. You just want to finish "Dexter"." I yelled back.

"JAWN! JAWN YOU ARE WATCHING "DEXTER" WITHOUT ME?!" Sherlock joined in. I heard a smash and foot steps running down the hall. Then Sherlock peered his head in my door and looked at me, "Isabelle it's the only bearable show I've ever seen and it's dramatic and......"

"Just go and fangirl. I have an audition in the morning. And do it as quietly as possible." I said smiling, putting my finger to my lips. Sherlock smiled, walked in and laughed. I laid down my head and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight, Isabelle." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Shut up." I replied and he laughed, turning off my light and shutting my door.

My alarm went off at six and I quickly went into the shower, singing songs from the top of my head.

Then I got dressed and headed into the living room where I found my boys crashed on the couch watching "Dexter" and Mycroft was sitting at the table, drinking tea. He smiled as I walked in and I slapped him in the face.

"Mycroft Holmes. The only reason I am not beating your butt right now is because he is still alive." I yelled gesturing to Sherlock. I punched him once and backed off. I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"You know, Ms.Watson I could....." Mycroft started.

Then Sherlock interrupted,"Yes but you won't because you slightly fancy her. Now shut up. Dexter is about to kill Arthur I think!" He didn't move his eyes from the TV.

I sat on the couch and ate my cereal, and examined the show.

I could see why Sherlock liked it, but his deductions were wrong.

In fact I don't even know if they were deductions after all.

It was obvious he wouldn't kill him for another two episodes at least.

That little boy would get KIDNAPED at the end of this ep.

Dex would spend an episode searching, then in the next Ep he'd kill him.

But not without completing the circle.

Easy deduction.

Or whatever Sherlock calls it..........

But I kept my mouth shut.

No spoilers for my boys.

"Well I best be going to what ever John has me doing........... John you have to drive me since I don't know where......."

"But Izzy!!!! He's about to......" John complained.

"Pause it and drop me off!" I spoke pulling John to his feet. Sherlock stood up and smiled, pausing the TV.

"I'll come and actually watch. It'll be entertaining." Sherlock followed me down the stairs, "Probably better than "Dexter".

"Entertaining as in......." I spoke shutting the door behind me.

"As in I'll laugh as you sing, dance, and do whatever you do." He said.

"Lovely encouragement Sherrly." I replied and I hoped into John's car.

Let's just say there were thousands of people auditioning, and Sherlock, the "famous consulting detective" (quote from head directer) got a front row seat with the directors.

How auditions worked is that we were put into groups of eight. In the group, you were assigned a character, given a script, and went with all the other people who were assigned your character. From there, you got an hour of dance, and one of vocal as the group. Then, you get five minutes of dance alone and five of singing alone. Then you get assigned several songs. My group got: You'll see boys, One Song Glory, Out Tonight, Over The Moon, La Vi Boheme, Take me or Leave Me, Contact and Goodbye Love. Your group practices for a couple in private, then you perform in front of the judges depending on your number. My group was the last.

I was really worried about was a weird, kind of dirty song.

After that, they call all of the people who played your character up and they narrow it down to ten.

I played Maureen and somehow passed.

The last thing we did at the FIRST practice was get a new group, and sometimes a new character.

I went from Maureen to Mimi, which is going from a public speaker to a person who dances at a strip club.

Big change for me.

It was like nine when we finished and I fretted a laughing Sherlock who swung his arm around me.

"What's so funny?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You. You kissed two different girls, mooned the crowed, and then pretended to drink milk from cow utters! (Author: Can't explain the mooning or cow utters...... Watch RENT)!" Sherlock laughed annoyingly and I elbowed him in the face. He wined and I smiled a little bit.

I threw my arm around Sherlock as we walked out the door but he shoved it off and pulled out his phone. When he put his phone in his pocket, he grabbed my hand, threw it over his shoulder, and started dragging me around.

"Sherlock.....where are you taking me?!" I moaned and groaned.

"Out." He replied still dragging me quickly by my hand.

"Like on a date?"

"It's a experiment." He snarled.

"Right then. Fantastic."

"You did it again Is."


(Chapter end)

Thank you for reading. It means a lot to me.

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