Chapter 16: A Date With A Sociopath

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Chapter 16:

(Isabelle's POV)

"It's a girl." Molly anounced, gesturing to the image on the screen. I let out a small squeal and John smiled, squeezing my hand.

It was harder on him, my be pregnant with a psychopaths child, than it was on me.

Part of me wondered what he would think if it was Sherlock's child.

Oh he'd go all Afghanistan on Sherlock's arse!

I would pay billions to see that.

But then I would help Sherlock and pull John away.

That's when I thought of him.

My Sherlock Holmes.

Was he really mine?

What would he think of me if he saw me here?

'Waste of time.'



'I pity you.'

'You. Repel. Me.'

The words flashed into my brain like a flashlight being switched on and off.

From light to dark.

"Isabelle? Did you hear me?" John asked, snapping me back to reality.

"What? Oh no. I was spaces out. Sorry. What did you say?"

John groaned, "I asked if you had a name."

I smiled and looked at my stomach, "Johanna. Johanna Sherlock Holmes."

"Did you say......."

"No. I meant Watson. But really she's a Mori....."

"She's not. Not really. She is a pure, 100% Watson." He stroked my stomach and I laughed.

That's when Sherlock called.

"Is where are...."

"I'm fine. I'm at Bart's."

"Oh. I was wondering if you wanted to meet me at this café in an hour. And maybe would could actually go on a date that isn't interrupted."

"Ok. What do I......"

"I laid out a dress on your bed."

I sighed, "You snooped through my closet?"

What if saw Johanna's things that I had pre bought? Oh my....

"No. I bought you a dress. Now erm... someone's in the house. I have to go." He spoke and hung up.

*One Hour later in Cafe*

(Sherlock's POV)

She walked into the room wearing the blue dress I picked out.

It didn't hug her body to tight, but as she walked into the room, it gave her a small, but beautiful shimmer that reminded me of the night sky. Her blue eyes met mine and she waved, walking over to me.

"Hey." I said as she sat down.

"Hey." She replied, smiling up at me.

"You look like a star. A vision in blue." She looked up at me, her eyes laughing.

"Oh I do."

"And you are."

"And now you're quoting musicals. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let you watch 'Next To Normal'." I could tell she was blushing.

I laughed, "But you are so beautiful. I don't really say it enough do I?" Her face gave a small smile and she looked down. "Isabelle? Are you ok?"

She gave that small smile again, "Um.... Sherlock.... Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you don't know how and you know for sure that if you do, they will never love you?"

"Yes. Of corse. What's wrong?"

Of corse I was referring to my suicide. It was going to happen soon. And I couldn't tell anyone about it.

"I'm.....I'm......" She opened her mouth to speak the word but before she could, my phone buzzed. I mouthed an apology and picked it up.

"What is it Lestrade?" I snapped.

"A case. One that I think you'll like."

"Oh. I'm on a date....."


"You didn't ask."

"Who is it?"

I sighed, "Isabelle Watson."

"Johns little sister?"


"Oh Sherlock......"


"When he finds out he's going to go all Afghanistan on your arse."

I sighed and snarled, "Well anyway back to the case. You don't care if I am interested. You need help. Don't you Scotland Yard?"


"Great. Call John. Is and I will meet you in your office." I hung up the phone and helped Isabelle up.

"We have an important case. Now will you help me or not?" I asked.

She smiled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

(Chapter end)

YESH! Another chapter and we are getting close to the end of book one! The sequel is going to be called, "How To Save A Life" and it's your basic plot of Series 03!!!!

Feels ahead. I'm just gonna throw that out there!

Thank you for reading! I can't believe I have 1000 reads 0.0 it's an honor and appreciate each and every one of you!!! :)


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