Chapter 06: I Kissed You?

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Chapter 06:

(Isabelle's POV)

I woke up and fell off the bed. My head was screaming and my brain was shut down.


"Coming dad." I sasses and walked into the room.

John and Sherlock were sitting at the table and Mrs.Hudson put a dish of food there for me. I sat at the table.

"Thank you Mrs.Hudson. Would you mind getting me a glass of water? I don't think I can walk much further till........"

"Not your housekeeper." She replied before I could finish.

Sherlock responded,"Dear Mrs.Hudson. Isabelle's experiencing her first hangover. She probably doesn't even remember what happened last night. Would you please get her some water?" Mrs.Hudson nodded and left into the kitchen.

"Your right about several things, Sherlock, as much as I hate to admit it. It was my first time drinking last night and well, everything is fuzzy about last night but I vaguely remember you kissing me." A glass shattered in the kitchen. John spit his coffee into his cup. Sherlock put his fork on the table.

"I don't recall kissing you. You must have been dreaming Isabelle." He said cooly.

"What? You totally started making out with me last night!" I exclaimed.

"Isabelle. Please. I don't get into relationships. I'm married to my work."

I laughed, "So you didn't kiss me? It was all a imaginary, unreal, stupid, useless, meaningless d........."

"Dream yes."





Sherlock and I stared at each other for a while (more like 20 minutes) when eventually, he a knock came from the door.

"I'll get it." Both of us said and stood up at the same time. I stared at him once more and we dashed down the stairs. He shouldered me just enough for me to fall back on the stairs and opened the door.

A chubby ish man with brown hair and brown eyes stood at the door. His eyes were wide and he looked like he was in shock.

"You're a I client yes?" Sherlock snapped and gestured for the man to walk in.

As the man walked up the stairs I went to Sherlock and said, "Really. Did you really have to do that?"

"Just a little challenge. And I won."

"Against a girl? What a hollow victory." I snapped back.

"Not just a girl Isabelle. I beat you."

I stepped onto the last stair and looked at him.

"There's one thing you haven't done to me that you do to every client who comes in here." I said and looked down. All I was was a client after all.

"And what's that?" He sassed so much I stiffened. I look at him in the eye. His face was serious as one's would be if staring at the face of their dead parent in their casket. I wined and looked down at my feet once more.

"You haven't deduced me." I replied, a tear falling from the other side of my face so he wouldn't see. "Why haven't you deduced me Mr.Holmes?"

"I thought you wouldn't........."

"But that hasn't stopped you before. You feed off people's secrets. Why now? Why not deduce me?" I said in a strong voice though I felt like crying. I wouldn't cry in front of him though. Never in front of him.

"You want me to know.........."


"Everything?" He held a strong facial expression and snapped at me but I could see in his eyes that he was shocked.

"Everything." I looked him in the eye and backed away.

"C'mon Mr. Holmes. Deduce me." His shoulder stiffened and he looked at me.

His tone lowered and he replied," How much.............."

"Whatever your comfortable with. Just do it. I know you want to. Just don't judge me after what you find out."

I closed my eyes and a single tear falls out. He took a deep breath and looked at me, but I don't even thinking he was looking at me. I think he was looking into me, but that wasn't the creepy part. I could sense him. Sense him picking through my mind and memories and placing them into his head for later view.

And it burned.

It stung my head.

I closed my eyes and let the fire (the pain) soothe.

Then out of the blue, it stopped.

I opened my eyes.

He was gone.

"Sherlock....... Where'd you go?"

"In here. Listening to the client. You kind of fell asleep on the stairs so I just left you."

I walked into the room where I had heard his voice.

He was in a white sheet looking at his laptop.

"Ok. John show me the grass." He said. He turned to me and said, "Pull up a chair Isabelle. Help me observe."

I obeyed and he scooted his chair over so I could sit by him.

"Hi John!" I replied smiling. Then, I went to Sherlock and whispered in his ear, "By any chance are you wearing a thing under that? Underwear at least?"

"Nope." He replied out loud nonchalantly. I laughed.

"Are you sure it wasn't your client, Mr.Holmes who murdered the man?"

"Oh Please! It's not even murder! In addition, do you really think a man who has heart problems because of his obesity and a life limit because of his heart problems would kill a man? No offense." Sherlock said.

"None taken." The client replied.

"Dang it Cheek Bones! Your good. I think I'm gonna have to start calling you a new nickname." I spoke in a laugh.

"No time Ms.Watson. Back to the case." I nodded and looked to the screen. Then Mrs.Hudson came in.

"Sherlock these men have been standing at the door for an hour. Sorry dears. He must have shot the doorbell again."

Sherlock groaned and looked at the men.

The were well dressed. Both in tuxes and dress shoes.

"Come to take me away again?!" Sherlock snapped at them.

One of them went to the laptop and closed it. I tried to grab Sherlock's hand but when I did, he let go.

"Just get dressed Mr.Holmes." The other one spoke.


"Trust us Mr.Holmes. Where you're going you'll want to be dressed." The other one said.


They groaned and I stood up.

"C'mon Mr.Holmes. If you're not going to get dressed, we must go anyway." He nodded and stood up.

"You too Ms.Watson. Mycroft would like to speak to you." The other one said and grabbed my wrist, escorting me down the stairs behind Sherlock.

"What the heck did I do and who the crap is Mycroft?!" I sassed.

"In good time, Ms.Watson. In good time."

(Chapter End)

YAY! A nice, long, sortta exciting chapter for you! Ok!

Thanks for reading.

Any ideas/comments/criticism/theories comment em up!

You guys are my insperation.

How did I get 70 reads! Holy Crap! I'm literally crying now!


Ok! Bai!

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