My Cousin Got Beat Up by Street Thugs

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Oxy - Roy English

"What are you doing?"

"Definitely not cooking. It's not like I have the powers to magically have food appear." I sarcastically said, folding the rice, ground beef, broccoli, colbly jack cheese and cream of mushroom soup in the large bowl. Percy looked over my shoulder to see what I was cooking.

"Is that your cheesy ground beef and rice casserole?" Percy looked at me with a grin.

"No, it's just a-"

"Okay, okay! Geesh, you're so sarcastic today." Percy held up his hands as he backed away. He shot me a sly smile. "Is it because you haven't talked to your boyfriend yet today? You always get sarcastic when you haven't talked to him yet."

"Percy!" I yelled, still fed up from earlier today. Percy dashed out of the kitchen chuckling. I let go of the spoon and chased after him. "Perseus Jackson! Get your kelp infested brain over here!"

"My brain isn't infested with kelp!" Percy protested, running into his room and closing his door.

"Well it's infested with something!" I shot back, banging on the door. I heard the familiar sound of the front door of the apartment closing.

"Hey! You two! That is no way for a pregnant woman to walk into her home to hear her two kids yelling. What happened this time?" Sally wobbled towards me. I shot her a sheepish smile. Behind me, the door slowly creaked open. Percy popped his head out wearing a similar smile.

"Hey Mom." Percy dragged out. Sally rolled her eyes.

"You know what? I don't want to know." She raised her hands into the air and walked towards the kitchen. "Are you going to finish cooking, hun?"

"Yeah, I'm coming Sally." I narrowed my eyes at Percy, giving him a nice shove, before I walked back into the kitchen. Continuing what I was doing before the fiasco, I looked at Sally. "How did you're appointment go?"

"It went great. You two should be expecting a little sister coming home soon." Sally beamed, digging through the refrigerator.

"That's great Mom!" Percy said, walking past me, ruffling my hair to agitate me even more. I stuck out my tongue, which he copied.

"How was your day?" Sally started to place the ingredients on the counter. Percy and I shared a look.

"It was great. Started conditioning today for the swim team. Coach told me that I will have to catch up with my school work if I want to be apart of the meets." Percy grabbed an apple from the bowl beside me. "He also said for me to get going on the SATs and ACTs and look for swimming scholarships after practice. The only one I have to take is SAT and I have to study for the entrance tests for the New Rome University."

"Well, Annabeth was already hounding you for those anyways." I snickered. Digging the spoon into the food, I started to put the spoonful of food into the glass pan that was already lightly sprayed with olive oil. "Has she IM'ed yet? Has she found her cousin?"

"Nothing yet." Percy shrugged, taking a bite from the fruit. "Planning on calling her later on tonight. How about you?"

"What about me?" I hummed, placing the last of the ingredients into the pan.

"How was your day? Has Stiles IM'ed you yet?" Sally questioned with an armful of more ingredients.

"Well, like Percy, I started conditioning today as well. Coach Wells got after me for not being in school for practices this morning and not joining a swim team temporarily over in California." I rolled my eyes. Opening the oven, I placed the pan in and closed it. Setting the correct baking temperature and time, I sighed. "She's worried I'm out of shape. So she's making me do extra laps during practices."

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